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Israel Alert Newsletter   29 Av 5771 August 29, 2011

"Germany: You MUST Boycott Durban III"

The World Jewish Congress on Friday called on the international community, citing specifically Germany, to boycott the UN-sponsored Durban III anti-racism conference slated for next month in New York City.

"The World Jewish Congress urges all countries to follow the example set by Canada, the United States, Israel, Australia and the Czech Republic, Italy and the Netherlands, and to not participate in the UN commemoration of the Durban process, the World Jewish Congress told The Jerusalem Post in a statement on Friday.


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  IDF: Use Robots as Strike Force

(INN) Israeli defense companies are competing for the nod to develop a robot-based combat solution dubbed "Advance Guard," which the IDF ground forces are keenly interested in.

"The basic idea is for robots to function as a strike force, leading the way in the first stage of engagement with the enemy, which usually results in heavy casualties," the website explained.


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An Inside Look at Moving To Israel

Be sure to read this wonderful article written by a young man who moved to Israel last year. This man gives such a beautiful perspective on growing to love the land of Israel and growing to be one with Israel upon living here. We look forward to the day when all Jews move back to live here in their homeland.

"I moved to Israel for the same reason many people do. The feeling of being home, the beauty of the Land and I had the added bonus that my family had moved here as well. It was a very practical move, one that no doubt required sacrifice but also made a lot of sense.

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Living Torah: Count Your Blessings!

This week's Torah portion is "Re'eh" (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17). Continuing on the theme of last week's Torah portion, Moses declares in the name of God: "Behold I have set before you this day a blessing and a curse. The blessing is earned for observing the commandments of God...and the curse if you do not observe His commandments".

God is telling us that religion is not a compromise. There are no deals to be made. You can't take half a package. They are called "The Ten Commandments" not "The Ten Suggestions".


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