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Israel Alert Newsletter   3 Cheshvan 5772 October 31, 2011

ROCKET ATTACKS: A Miracle Happened on Shabbat!

This past Shabbat a special miracle took place in the town of Ashdod, where unfortunately there have been many recent rockets falling.

A classroom in a special education school in Ashdod has served as a makeshift synagogue on Sabbaths for 40 years running. Throughout those years, not one Sabbath prayer was missed. Until this last Sabbath. And that was what saved the congregants from a Gaza missile that struck the synagogue's courtyard Saturday.

Netanel Mor Yosef, a member of the congregation, explained...

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Jew with Arab
[VIDEO] Where are the Arabs Free? Only in ISRAEL!

Prime Minister Netanyahu shows us the real face of Israel – the only free Democracy in the Middle East and the only country whose Arab citizens are truly free.

We urge you to spread the TRUTH now and share this with EVERYONE you know.

The world needs to know that Israel is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East where Jews and Arabs are given EQUAL rights!!

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  Gilad and Father
Gilad Shalit and 1000 Terrorists: NOT Equal!

With the recent trade of captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit for 1000 terrorists, international media has jumped at the opportunity to draw similarities and correlations...

Was this a fair trade? What is the value of an IDF soldier to the Jewish people? What is the value of a thousand terrorists?

Watch this eye–opening video to learn the facts.

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Noah's Ark

Living Torah: Noah is Saved from the Evil 'Hamas'

The Torah portion of Noah describes the story of Noah ("Noach" in Hebrew) and the flood that destroyed the world. For ten generations – from Adam to Noah – God was patient. But with each generation mankind became more and more corrupt. More Evil. More Wicked.

But God was patient. He wanted to see if the people would change, if they would repent. There were one or two righteous individuals in every generation. That's about it...

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