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Israel Alert Newsletter   13 Cheshvan 5772 November 10, 2011

Sarkozy: "Netanyahu is a Liar"

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is in a diplomatic knot after telling President Barack Obama, in what he thought was a private call, "Netanyahu is a liar." The president also made a negative remark about the Prime Minister.

He and President Obama were talking in a private room after a press conference at the G20 summit in Cannes last week.

They did not know that their microphones were open and that reporters outside still were wearing their headphones they had used to hear simultaneous translations of President Obama's remarks in public.

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Rachel's Tomb
A Visit to Mother Rachel's Tomb

To commemorate the anniversary of Mother Rachel's death, join us on a journey to Rachel's Tomb, one of our holiest sites, which stands on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

Just outside of Bethlehem lies the Tomb of the Matriarch Rachel. For centuries Jews would visit the tomb, beseeching God to answer the prayers in the merit of the Rachel. It was only between 1948-1967 when Jordan ruled the West Bank that Jews were prevented from visiting the site. Indeed, it has only been under Israeli sovereignty that freedom of religion and freedom of access to holy sites has been guaranteed and maintained.

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  danny ayalon
[VIDEO] The TRUTH About the Peace Process

Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

This video explains that the reason there is no successful peace process is because of decades of Palestinian and Arab recalcitrance. The main reason for the conflict is not Israel's presence in the West Bank, but successive Palestinian leaders resistance to Jewish sovereignty.

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Amazing Discovery: 2,000 Year Old Ritual Bath

Archeologists uncovered a ritual bath which dates back nearly 2,000 years, in an excavation started two months ago a few kilometers west of Beit Shemesh. Experts say the bath was used during the Second Temple period..

The ritual bath, known in Hebrew as a mikve, is the first piece of archeological evidence of Jewish settlement in the area of the excavation during the Second Temple period.

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