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Israel Alert Newsletter   16 Cheshvan 5772 November 13, 2011

Amazing Breakthrough: Israel Develops Cancer Vaccine

Vaxil's groundbreaking therapeutic vaccine, developed in Israel, could keep about 90 percent of cancers from coming back.

As the world's population lives longer than ever, if we don't succumb to heart disease, strokes or accidents, it is more likely that cancer will get us one way or another. Cancer is tough to fight, as the body learns how to outsmart medical approaches that often kill normal cells while targeting the malignant ones.

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 Solar Power
Israeli Solar Power: A 'Light' Unto the Nations

Arava Power contracted with a Negev tribe to build a solar installation, and wants to get 30% of Israel's feed-in tariff caps set apart for the Bedouin.

An Israeli solar company Arava Power is working to help the Bedouin Arabs, a mostly nomadic tribal people living in Israel, develop their share of the solar industry.

Last year, Arava signed a contract with the Tarabin tribe in the Negev Desert to build a solar installation. The contract was the company's first step toward generating solar electricity on Bedouin lands in Israel's southern desert region, where the majority of Bedouin live.

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Living Torah: Lessons of Kindness and Brotherhood

The Torah portion of "Vayeira" (Genesis 18:1 – 22:24) is a portion in which we are overwhelmed by acts of kindness.

Abraham, the first Jew, performs a circumcision upon himself just as God has commanded him. From that moment onwards the circumcision became the physical imprint, the physical sign in every male Jew that he is a son of Abraham, a member of the Jewish people. If one looks closely at the Scripture one will notice that until this time Abraham was actually called "Abram".

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