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Israel Alert Newsletter   2 Kislev 5772 November 28, 2011

Buy Israel Week
Turning 'Boycott Israel' into 'BUY ISRAEL WEEK'

Their effort may be coming on the heels of "Black Friday," but organizers of a new nationwide campaign are hoping that consumers will hold on to some of their shopping dollars to show support for Israel.

Jewish newspapers, pro-Israel groups, Israeli companies and retailers are joining together to launch the first Buy Israel Week, which runs from Nov. 28 to Dec. 4.

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Palestinian Official TV: "Death for the Sake of Palestine"

On the recent anniversary of former Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's death, official PA TV produced and broadcasted a music video which glorified "death for the sake of Palestine."

The video was translated by the Palestinian Media Watch research institution and the translated video was presented on its website.

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The Twins: Pick the Right One!

The Torah portion of "Toldot" is from Genesis 25:19-28:9. The reading opens with the story of how Isaac and Rebecca remained childless for many years after their marriage. They continued to pray and pray that God bless them with children, never giving up hope. They would pray several times a day, both together and on their own.

Finally, after 20 years, Rebecca conceived. They were overjoyed at the news – the Jewish people would indeed continue as promised!

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IDF Talks Turkey for Thanksgiving

The IDF thanks "lone American soldiers" on Thanksgiving with a holiday turkey meal in cooperation with the American Jewish Committee (AJC).

For lone IDF soldiers, holidays can be tough. Far away from their families, it's common for lone soldiers to long for home during these times.

The AJC and IDF on Thursday hosted the annual Thanksgiving dinner for the 10th year, welcoming 30 lone soldiers who have no family in Israel. All parts of the IDF were represented at the dinner, from elite combat fighters to everyday "jobniks."

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