Israel Alert Newsletter
5 Kislev 5774
November 8, 2013
United with Israel's IDF Chanukah Party - 2013
On Thursday evening November 28, 2013 (Thanksgiving Day!), the 2nd night of Chanukah, American and Israeli families will join Israeli soldiers on the IDF's Chatmar Shomron Military Base to celebrate Chanukah and say "Thank You" to our beloved Israeli soldiers. This army base is just a short distance from Shechem, one of the most violent and dangerous Palestinian-run cities in Samaria, known in Arabic as Nablus.
The event will feature music, dancing, a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings, Chanukah sufganiot (jelly donuts), special presentations and of-course, the "Lighting of the Menorah".
Shechem is the biblical city in which our patriarch Abraham (the first Israeli ‘settler’) stopped, when he journeyed from Haran to the Land of Israel. The soldiers on this base are from the Givati Brigade, a superior fighting and counter-terrorism intelligence unit. They greatly deserve our expressions of Thanksgiving!
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Turning Terror into LIGHT!
Terrorists in Gaza have fired nearly 15,000 rockets into southern Israel. As
Hamas rockets explode in Israeli towns, blackening the sky and darkening the
spirit, an Israeli artist is working hard to brighten up the day with sparks of
light. He is turning the darkness of terror into a source of light - in a very
literal way!
Yaron Bob, the artist, lives in the shadow of terror in a southern Israeli
village near the border with Gaza. Yaron takes the remains of Kassam rockets
and transforms them into beautiful Menorahs. In his words, "I take the Kassam,
the instrument of death and I change it, I transfer it into something of
beauty." Yaron's project is truly a modern day version of "beating
swords into plowshares" (Isaiah 2:4).
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Chanukah: The Fight for What's
The week of November 28th begins the 8 day celebration of Chanukah - the Jewish
Festival of Lights! Chanukah commemorates the revolt of the Maccabees,
(possibly the first ever Israel Defense Forces in history!) against the wicked
king Antiochus.
It wasn't enough for Antiochus to simply control the land and people of Israel
- he wanted to control their SOULS! Make no mistake, unlike Haman, Hitler,
Torquemada, and Hamas, Antiochus had no specific interest in killing any Jews,
he simply wanted the Jews to convert.
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Story and Traditions
During the Second Temple period, the Syrian Greeks infiltrated Israel and
seized power. They tried to impose their cruel Hellenistic culture on the
Jewish people, defiling every holy thing and forbidding Torah learning.
Their goal was to eliminate the Jews' connection to G-d and to indoctrinate the
Jews with immoral values in a futile attempt to deny the existence of the
Creator. This dubious plot began with prohibitions against keeping central laws
of the Torah, such as study and circumcision.
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