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Israel Alert Newsletter   10 Kislev 5772 December 6, 2011

Saudi Arabia Plans to Go Nuclear

Saudi Arabia plans to obtain nuclear weapons, but its nuclear power will be only for "peaceful use," a former intelligence official told a security conference.

"Our efforts and those of the world have failed to convince Israel to abandon its weapons of mass destruction, as well as Iran... therefore it is our duty towards our nation and people to consider all possible options, including the possession of these weapons,"said Prince Turki al–Faisal, quoted by AFP.

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 General Martin Dempsey
Israel May Not Warn US of Strike Against Iran

The top U.S. military officer admitted that he did not know whether Israel would alert the United States ahead of time if it decided to take military action against Iran.

In an interview with the Reuters news agency, General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also acknowledged that there are differences in perspective between the United States and Israel over the best way to handle Iran and its nuclear program.

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Arab Group Claims Western Wall Belongs to Islam

An Arab organization opposed to the Jewish presence in Jerusalem proclaimed that Israel's plans to expand the prayer area for women at the Kotel was "very dangerous."

The Islamic-Christian Council for Support of Al-Quds and the Holy Places, as the organization is known, said that Jews did not have a right to expand the prayer area at the Kotel, or even to pray there at all, because the Kotel is a part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

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Israeli Artist

Jacob's Ladder: From Heaven to the Temple Mount

The Torah portion of "VaYeitzei" means "to leave" (Genesis 28:10–32:3). It is in this reading that Jacob packed his bags and fleed for his life from his evil brother Esau and headed to Haran to live with his uncle Laban. On the way to Haran Jacob made a stop for the night on Mount Moriah, pitched his tent, and called it a day.

That night, Jacob had a dream. In his dream, he saw a ladder whose top reached the heavens and angels were continually ascending and descending the ladder. Jacob was awestruck at what he just saw.

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