united with israel alerts
Israel Alert Newsletter  Chanuka EDITION 23 Kislev 5773 December 7, 2012

United with Israel's IDF Chanukah Party

On Wednesday Night December 12, 2012, the 5th night of Chanukah, American and Israeli students and families will join together with Israeli soldiers and commanders on a military base located in close proximity to the border with Hamas-controlled Gaza.
The event will feature music, traditional Chanukah food, special presentations and of-course, the "Lighting of the Menorah". This year, the soldiers will be lighting a very special Menorah that was created from the remains of kassam rockets that exploded in Israel. Nearly 15,000 rockets have been fired from Gaza in the last 13 years. An Israeli artist has transformed these missiles of terror into something of unique beauty and light!

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Chanukah: Time to say THANK YOU!

Chanukah is the Jewish Thanksgiving! While each day we express our "hakarat hatov" (appreciation) for all of life's brachot (blessings), Chanukah is the special time for the People of Israel to celebrate and say: THANK YOU!

We thank God for the awesome miracles of Chanukah that took place over 2000 years ago. For the illuminating light of the Menorah. And for the Maccabees - a small Jewish army that defeated the Greeks. But what does this have to do with the People of Israel today? Are these ancient miracles relevant in today's modern world?

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Chanukah: Fight for What's Right!

The week of December 9th begins the 8 day celebration of Chanukah - the Jewish Festival of Lights! Chanukah commemorates the revolt of the Maccabees, (possibly the first ever Israel Defense Forces in history!) against the wicked king Antiochus. It wasn't enough for Antiochus to simply control the land and people of Israel - he wanted to control their SOULS!

Make no mistake, unlike Haman, Hitler, Torquemada, and Hamas, Antiochus had no specific interest in killing any Jews, he simply wanted the Jews to convert. He wanted them to abandon their religion, their principles and their beliefs.

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Terrorists in Gaza have fired over 12,000 kassam rockets into southern Israel. As Hamas rockets explodeD in Israeli towns, blackening the sky and darkening the spirit, an Israeli artist works hard to brighten up the day with sparks of light. He is turning the darkness of terror into a source of light - in a very literal way!

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rosh hashana
Spinning Dreidels for Guinness World Record

Students at the Binghamton University in upstate New York are planning to spin their dreidels to a Guinness World Record next week.

The attempt to break the current record of 'simultaneous dreidelss spinning' is set to take place during the week of Hanukkah. It is a holiday tradition to "spin the dreidele" - a four-sided spinning top featuring a Hebrew letter on each side.

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Hanukkah in ISRAEL!

The Hanukkah experience in Israel is very different from the Hanukkah that I experienced as a child in the United States. In America, Jewish parents give their children presents, have elaborate Hanukkah light displays, hang Hanukkah banners, and utilize big menorahs, likely due to the influence of Christmas.

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Chanukah Lesson: CHOOSE to Remember!

This week's Torah portion is Vayeshev (Genesis 37:1-40:23). It must also be noted that with the conclusion of Shabbat this week, we begin the holiday of Chanukah - the Festival of Lights!

I believe that there is a connection between this week's Torah portion and the Chanuka which follows just a few hours after Vayeshev is read.

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