united with israel alerts
Israel Alert Newsletter  Purim EDITION 12 Adar 5773 February 22, 2013


It's Purim Time!

It's Purim time! Purim, the holiday that celebrates the Jewish's people deliverance from the evil plot of Haman, is observed on the 14th of Adar, which this year is Sunday February 24. In places that were surrounded by a wall in the times of Joshua when he conquered the Land of Israel - Purim is observed on the next day, the 15th of Adar.

But with minor exception, a 15th of Adar Purim is only observed in Jerusalem. The story of Purim is the subject of the Book of Esther, colloquially referred to as Megillat Esther - the Scroll of Esther. Here we will briefly share with you the major points of the story (Warning: Traditional Purim silliness and humor included!

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Gift Baskets to Families of Terror Victims

Your participation in the UWI Purim Campaign will provide Israel's victims of terror with much deserved comfort and joy. Unfortunately, there are thousands of terror victims who have suffered greatly and need our compassion and love.

We are proud to support Israel's victims of terror and their families. Purim gift baskets to Israel are not US tax deductible. All gift baskets will be greatly appreciated by the families and children. Thank you for sharing Purim joy with Israel's victims of terror.

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Parallels Between Iran's Ahmadinejad and Haman

According to the Meam Loez commentary on the Tanakh: "In every generation, Amelek rises to destroy us and each time he clothes himself in a different nation." For our generation, Israeli President Shimon Peres has proclaimed, Ahmadinejad is the "modern day Haman," the Amalekite who sought to slaughter the Jewish people in the Persian Empire (which in now modern day Iran).

As Rabbi Israel Rosen asserted, both Ahmadinejad and Haman are "characterized not only by their meaningless hatred, but by their compulsive animosity. A 'real' Amalekite is absorbed and consumed with hatred of Israel which nourishes him 24 hours a day, when he's awake and in his dreams.

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Incredible Parallels Between the Purim Story and the Nuremberg Trials

Numerous commentators have noted that there is an uncanny resemblance between the hanging of Haman's ten sons in the Purim story and the Nuremberg Trials following the Second World War, when 10 Nazis war criminals were hung for the crimes against humanity that they committed. Additionally, in the Purim story, the Talmud claims that Haman's daughter committed suicide and thus didn't need to get killed.


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rosh hashana
"If you are silent now..."

I purposely only quoted half the verse above from the book of Esther. Often when I speak with groups about the Book of Esther I will quote the above half verse and ask them to guess what the rest of the verse is.

Of course you need to know the background first. The wicked Haman has plotted to exterminate the Jewish people and Mordechai, the leader of the Jews, gets wind of this. Prior to these events Mordechai's relative Esther became queen of Persia when she was selected by King Ahaseurus to be the next queen.

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Purim and Yom Kippur: Which is More Holy?

On Sunday February 24, 2013 we will be celebrating the Holiday of Purim. Purim commemorates the Hitlerian and Ahmadinejadian plans of the evil Haman to exterminate the Jewish people.

To make a long story short, Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai discover Haman's evil plan to kill the Jews and convince King Achashverosh to rescind the decree.

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Colorful Purim Customs from Around the World

Jewish communities around the world have some common ways of celebrating Purim, yet at the same time possess traditions that differ depending on location. For example, Jews across the planet traditionally read Megillat Esther (Scroll of Esther) in the synagogue. However, Ashkenazi children will bring noise-makers to the synagogue and cause as much ruckus as possible whenever the name of the evil Persian Prime Minister Haman is mentioned.


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