united with israel alerts
Israel Alert Newsletter   4 Nissan 5773 March 15, 2013

jerusalem Passover: Freedom for the Nation of Israel!

Passover commemorates our freedom from slavery and the birth of the Jewish nation: A healthy, liberating experience for both the body and the soul of the People of Israel. Our ancient customs at the Seder and the special foods we eat - tell the amazing story of our freedom. And they help us to re-enact those precious moments of liberation, some 3300 years ago.

Marror (bitter herbs) remind us of the harshness and bitterness of slavery. Matzoh, the "poor man's bread" that we ate as slaves, transforms itself, during the Seder, into the bread of redemption. The four cups of wine are drunk while reclining like kings - a royal beverage celebrating our newly found freedom. The Exodus experience is as alive today as it ever was!

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purim Prominent Americans Advocate Freedom for Pollard

Although it seems unlikely that US President Obama will be releasing Jonathan Pollard any time soon, the US President did say that Pollard will be given “the same kinds of review as all other prisoners.”

While the overwhelming consensus in Israel is that Pollard should be released, it is understandable that many Americans do not share that sentiment. Nevertheless, many prominent Americans have been advocating for Pollard’s freedom.

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Israeli Dairy Farmers to Help Build Northern Iraqi Agriculture

Kibbutz Affikim in the Jordan Valley plans to establish a dairy farm in Iraq's Kurdish region, with the aim of establishing further economic relations with Iraq in general.

Evidently, a Kurdish delegation representing Northern Iraq's Agriculture Ministry visited Israel and expressed an interest in receiving agricultural assistance from the Jewish state, which has helped 50 other countries, such as China, Angola, and Vietnam, improve their agricultural industry by building dairy farms based on the Israeli model.

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Israeli Farmers Innovate Using Bugs to Protect Crops

About a decade ago, Bio Bee Biological Systems, which operates out of Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, started to mass produce insects with the select purpose of using them to kill off agricultural pests. According to the company website, "In the field of biological control, Bio-Bee's products serve both conventional and bio-organic agriculture, and constitute an indispensable component in Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which aims at reducing the use of harsh chemical pesticides that endanger both man and environment.

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Fruit Trees




rockets into roses






Jerusalem Mint

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