Israel Alert Newsletter
14 Sivan 5773
May 24, 2013
Palestinians Wave Nazi Flag over Mosque
Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria were shocked to see a Nazi flag waving over a mosque in the Palestinian village of Beit Omar near Hebron on Monday. The flag was visible to thousands of Israeli citizens who pass by this mosque en route from Hebron to work. Uri Arnon, who saw the flag, told Tazpit News Agency, “I felt we were going back 75 years, losing our hold on the land. The Arabs no longer feel the need to hide their murderous tendencies, announcing out loud that they wish to destroy us.”
Aryeh Savir of the Tazpit News Agency reported, “The IDF’s Coordination Office of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) latest response is that they are waiting for members of the Palestinian electricity company to come in and remove it because it is on power lines.”
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Report: IDF Did Not Kill Palestinian Child in 2000
The Israeli government has issued a report based on an investigative committee claiming that the Palestinian child Mohammad Al Durra, was not in fact killed by the Israel Defense Forces and may still be alive today. Al Durra’s apparent death in 2000 ignited worldwide hostility towards Israel and his image became a symbol of the Second Intifada. “As opposed to the media reports that stated that the child was killed, an examination of the raw video shot by the France 2 staff shows the child alive,” the committee said. That portion of the video was never shown on television.
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Imagine a Boston Bombing Every Week
I empathize with the victims of the Boston bombing; they were killed, maimed, injured, and/or deeply traumatized only because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. As they gathered to compete in or watch the marathon underway, they were — like all terrorism victims — the epitome of innocent.
But imagine if this happened again next week, at a pizzeria, killing 15 diners. And again, a week later, on a bus, killing 19 passengers. Then at a discotheque, killing 21 teens. Then at a church, killing 11 worshipers.
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Israeli Doctors Save Syrian Child
A four-year-old Syrian girl who was the daughter of Syrian refugees in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has just successfully completed heart surgery in Israel. The Israeli organization that arranged for this heart surgery is called Save A Child’s Heart.
Save a Child’s Heart has assisted over 3,200 children from now 45 countries, including over 1,500 from the Palestinian Authority. Save a Child’s Heart makes a point to save lives regardless of race, gender, economic status, or nationality.
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