united with israel alerts
Israel Alert Newsletter   13 Tammuz 5773 June 21, 2013

bennet.jpg Israeli Economics Minister Bennett Rejects Palestinian State

Israeli Economics Minister Naftali Bennett has stated that the idea of a Palestinian state has reached a dead end and should be abandoned by the international community. The Palestinian Authority has declared all of Israel is occupied Palestine a position which is impossible for the Israeli government to make peace with.

Bennett claimed, "Never has so much time been invested in something so pointless. We need to build, build, build! If the money spent on caviar in cocktail parties dealing with the idea of a Palestinian state would have been used for building interchanges (in the territories) - everything would be different."

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UWI plants trees UWI Plants Thousands of Fruit Trees Across Southern Israel

In response to the 1500 rockets that exploded in Israel during the war with Hamas this past November, United with Israel ran a successful campaign whose goal was to plant 1500 fruit trees in southern Israel.

We are happy to report that this goal was reached and surpassed. Due to the overwhelming response, the tree count has now exceeded 2000 and is still growing. The trees have been distributed among six different communities in the south and will continue to extend to others.

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Israeli Scientist Discovers Treatment to Save Bee Colonies

Hebrew University Prof. Ilan Sela has won this year's Kaye Award for Innovation for discovering the IAPV virus, which is linked to Colony Collapse Disorder, and for finding a solution to the problem.

The Kaye Award for Innovation has been given annually since 1994 as a means to encourage faculty and staff at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to develop innovative ideas with good commercial potential that benefit society at large.

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Israeli Arabs

More Israeli Arabs are Volunteering to Serve Israel

The number of Israeli Arabs who are volunteering to participate in Israel's National Service program has increased to 3,000, representing a 76 percent increase over the last year.

Ninety percent of the Israeli Arabs serve within the Arab sector, in schools, daycare centers, hospitals, and programs against drugs and violence. Upon completion of their national service, 85 percent of the National Service volunteers are able to find work.

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Fruit Trees


rockets into roses


Jerusalem Mint





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