According to the Times of Israel, Palestinian female suicide bomber Hanadi Jaradat was honored recently by the Arab Lawyers Union, which has 200,000 members in 15 countries and 27 affiliated organizations. On October 4, 2003, the day before Yom Kippur, Jaradat slaughtered twenty-one Israeli civilians and injured over 60 at the Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, which resulted in the destruction of two entire families. The youngest victim in her attack was merely an infant of two months. The Maxim Restaurant was jointly owned between Jews and Arabs, and was a center for coexistence between the two peoples until this suicide bombing.
Hanadi Jaradat was doing her internship for her law degree and was a few weeks away from qualifying as a lawyer before she decided to blow herself up. The plaque that honors Jaradat declares that the day that she decided to blow herself up was “the sweet anniversary of her martyrdom.” This plaque, which the Arab Lawyers Union considers to be its highest award, was presented to Hanadi Jaradat’s family in Judea and Samaria. The Jerusalem Post reported that Ayman Abu Eisheh, a member of the Arab Lawyers Union, asserted that Arab lawyers were proud of what Jaradat did “in defense of Palestine and the Arab nation.”
Palestinian Media Watch claims that the Arab Lawyers Union “includes as part of its mission to ‘struggle with the Arab Palestinian people to liberate Palestine from Zionist settlers colonialists,’ to ‘struggle against Zionism and its greed as a form of racism,’ and to ‘resist all forms of naturalization with the Zionist enemy.’” Indeed, NGO Monitor reported that an Arab Lawyers Union booklet containing anti-semitic cartoons that displayed hook-nosed Jews with “pots of money surrounding their victims” was handed out during the Durban NGO Forum in South Africa in 2001. The Arab Lawyers Union also endorsed implementing the now delegitimized Goldstone Report.
Yet according to UNESCO, the Arab Lawyers Union merely acts “in the interests of the Arab Nation to achieve its national objectives; facilitate contacts between Arab lawyers; safeguards and develops legislative and judiciary language; assures the freedom of lawyers in their work and the independence of magistrates; allows all Arab lawyers to take cases in any Arab country; harmonizes the conditions of the legal profession; establishes and harmonizes links with international legal organizations; restores the study of Muslim law as a basis for law; promotes and protects human rights.”
According to the Jewish Press, the Arab Lawyers Union has consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council and International Labor Organization; is an observer at the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the International Legal Assistance Consortium, in addition to being accredited to several UN committees and took a founding role in the Arab Institute for Human Rights. The International Legal Assistance Consortium alone includes the American Bar Association, the Bar Council of England and Wales, and the Canadian Bar Association, among many other respectable professional associations.
Given these facts, the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists has called upon the United Nations to strip the Arab Lawyers Union of its recognition due to its praise of Hanadi Jaradat! International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists head Irit Kohn has written a letter to United Nations Chief Ban Ki-Moon voicing her indignation over the fact that such a prominent Arab professional association “decided to honor a person who carried out a crime worthy of condemnation.”
Dear UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,
It has come to my attention that the Arab Lawyers Union, which recently presented its highest award to the family of the Palestinian female suicide bomber Hanadi Jaradat, sits on several UN committees, in addition to having consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council.
Hanadi Jaradat, on October 4, 2003, the day before Yom Kippur, slaughtered twenty-one Israeli civilians and injured over 60 at the Maxim Restaurant in Haifa, which resulted in the destruction of two entire families. The youngest victim in her attack was merely an infant of two months. The Maxim Restaurant was jointly owned between Jews and Arabs, and was a center for coexistence between the two peoples until this suicide bombing. Indeed, Arabs were among the dead in this terror attack. Hanadi Jaradat’s dream was to destroy the harmony that existed in Haifa between Arabs and Jews, and she was more than willing to kill fellow Arabs if it meant achieving this goal. She had zero respect for human life, both Jewish and Arab.
The Arab Lawyers Union, by granting a prize to Hanadi Jaradat’s family and glorifying her murderous behavior by declaring “the day that she decided to blow herself up was ‘the sweet anniversary of her martyrdom,’” has lost its right to sit in on committee meetings at an international organization like the United Nations that seeks to promote peace and coexistence between nations. Please, in memory of both the Jewish and Arab victims of the Maxim Restaurant Suicide Bombing, I implore you to disassociate from the Arab Lawyers Union.
Your Name
Send an Email to Ban Ki-Moon: ecu@un.org
Call the United Nations: +1-212-963-5012
Reported by: Rachel Avraham for United With Israel
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