Nick Cave on stage. (Shutterstock) (Shutterstock)
Nick Cave


Nick Cave is planning to return for another performance in the Holy Land, but Israel haters are calling on him to cancel the concert.

Activists propagating boycotts against Israel have issued an open letter calling on famed rocker and songwriter Nick Cave to cancel his upcoming concerts in Israel this November.

“Please don’t take part in apartheid, boycott Israel!” the letter begins.

In a long letter accusing Israel of apartheid and a long list of alleged crimes, the anti-Israel activists ask Cave “to take the path of justice. Say something explicit against racism, occupation and apartheid, and stand against it. Please cancel your concert in Apartheid Israel!”

In addition to this letter, Artists for Palestine UK, a group featuring Roger Waters and Ken Loach, two notorious anti-Israel activists, issued another letter calling on the Australian artist to cancel his Israel gig, saying that performing in Israel gives “public approval for the status quo” in Israel.

Waters also issued a call of his own, accusing Israel of his list of purported crimes and violations.

“By playing in Israel you’ll be playing in a state where, UN rapporteurs say, ‘a system of apartheid has been imposed on the Palestinian people,’” the letter claimed.

The letter appears to be alluding to a report authored in March by a United Nations organization, which was ultimately rejected by the UN itself for its anti-Israel bias.

Waters is infamously anti-Israel, and some say, an anti-Semite. He regularly utilizes his concerts to blast the Jewish State and promote actions against it.

He is a vociferous supporter of the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement, which calls for boycotts and sanctions against Israel.

He has voiced support for the Hamas terror organization. He regularly exerts public pressure on performers slated to perform in Israel and demands that they refrain from doing so, claiming it will generate pressure on Israel’s “apartheid” and “criminal” government. In most cases he is ignored and fails in his mission.

He recently campaigned for and failed to pressure Radiohead into canceling a concert is Israel.

Cave has not yet responded to the boycott calls. This will be his fourth visit to the Jewish state.

Despite BDS’ efforts, Nick Cave is slated to join a long list of front-line performers and bands who rocked rock Tel Aviv in the summer of 2017, including Britney Spears, Aerosmith, Guns N’ Roses, Justin Bieber, Duran Duran and Bryan Adams.

By: United with Israel Staff

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