New way to cure pulmonary embolisms; Iranian invasion; Jewish women of consequence; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Israelis live longer Israelis have the world’s 10th highest life expectancy, according to the Worldometer’s Life Expectancy of the World Population – a project by NiceR that helps Americans access affordable prescription medications. The... Read more »

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Israeli influential Covid-19 studies; More funds for Arabs to work in hi-tech; Millions for sustainability research; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Cancer therapy that could change the world Allocetra from Israel’s Enlivex (see here previously) saved many patients suffering from Covid-19 and sepsis. Clinical trials have now begun, using it to treat... Read more »

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Autism is no obstacle in the IDF; Generators and radiation suits for Ukraine; 4 top “intelligent” startups; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Novel cancer treatment begins trials Israel’s Nectin Therapeutics (see here previously) has started human trials of its NTX1088 cancer treatment. NTX1088 blocks the protein PVR expressed by tumors to suppress... Read more »

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Two lives saved; Success story of an Israeli female CEO; More funding for hi-tech training; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS AI to diagnose cancerous biopsies Many tumors express the protein PD-L1, which allows them to circumvent the immune system. Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have developed neural networks that use “deep... Read more »

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Haredim in hi-tech; Israel Earth Prize; Energy deal with Morocco; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Nano-magnets to repair damaged brain cells Scientists at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University have developed breakthrough technology that could repair damaged neuron (brain cell) functionality. Using iron oxide, magnetic fields, and collagen, they created cells that developed into... Read more »

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Hear from a top Israeli scientist; Going green at FoodTechIL; Partnership to save lives on the road; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Computer-designed anti-cancer antibodies Israel’s Bar-Ilan Prof. Yanay Ofran has invented antibodies to attack tumors, using computers and then produced them from amino acids in a process akin to 3D... Read more »

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Connecting patients with the same condition; Urban innovation conference; 14,000 to join Masa Israel programs; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Peptides with anti-cancer potential Scientists from Israel’s Technion Institute and from Japan have discovered peptides (short proteins) with the potential to destroy cancer cells. The scientists made the discovery while researching... Read more »

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Advising the UK ombudsman; Healing migrating birds; Israel to pilot self-driving buses; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Nitric Oxide speeds recovery from Covid-19 The LungFit Nitric Oxide device from Israel’s Beyond Air (see here previously) speeds up the recovery of hospitalized COVID patients. Clinical (human) trials showed they needed less oxygen support... Read more »

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Surprise for Israeli in Sweden; Israel’s James Bond; Rescuing stranded motorists; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Decoy molecule neutralizes dangerous viruses Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute and at Tel Aviv University have engineered a molecule called Arenacept to fool and destroy viruses that migrate from rodents to humans. Arenacept binds strongly... Read more »

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OrCam for dyslexics; 3 successful Israeli women; Your old smartphone has value; and much more! by: Michael Ordman   ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Diagnosing irregular heart rates in high-risk patients Prof Mahmoud Saliman of Rambam Health Care Campus is the first in Israel to insert an ultrasound device through a vein (without anesthesia) to safely diagnose... Read more »

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Israeli Arab is Intel VP; Israel in Space; Robot fruit picker is flying high; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Nanotech to deliver precision chemotherapy Scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute have developed a nano-material that can deliver different toxic cancer therapies directly to tumors, without harming healthy cells. Robot chemistry was used... Read more »

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Woman head of IDF innovation; Switzerland’s fleet of Israeli UAVs; Israeli wines have a bright outlook; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Israeli-led European cancer consortium Professors from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Hadassah Cancer Research Institute are leading CanceRNA – a European consortium working to develop novel immunotherapy treatments... Read more »

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Two ways to purify the air; 400 Israeli startups in NYC; Israel In Our Lives; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Oral insulin reduces liver fat Israel’s Oramed (see here previously) has reported that its ORMD-0801 oral insulin candidate successfully reduced the liver fat in its Phase 2 trial on Type 2 diabetes... Read more »

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Ukrainian refugees become EMTs; Monitoring vehicle passengers; Fly under Jerusalem’s streets; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Starving brain tumors Tel Aviv University scientists have discovered that brain cells called astrocytes, which normally support brain function, are highjacked by tumors to block the immune system and feed the tumors. The scientists eliminated... Read more »

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Helping recovery of little leaguer; Innovating with New Zealand; We are the Blessed generation; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS A better way to kill cancer Researchers at Tel Aviv University and the University of Lisbon have improved the current method of disabling cancer’s defenses. Instead of an expensive antibody infusion that... Read more »

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Treatment for eating disorders; The food-waste solution; Selina opens more Israeli hostels; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Disrupting tumor’s defenses Researchers at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University have developed nanotechnology that prevents tumors from disabling the body’s Natural Killer (NK) cells. They used RNA molecules to stop the NK cells from expressing the... Read more »

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Growing Israel’s digital health sector; Special mission aircraft for NATO; All IDF positions open to Haredim; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Covid-19 immunity testing A team of Israeli immunologists, epidemiologists and other researchers have successfully used the levels of antibody markers to predict the risk of Covid-19 infection. IGG antibodies for... Read more »

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Earthquake prediction is 80% accurate; Israeli students win UK BAFTA award; Summer camp for bereaved children; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS It started here This article gives more details about the fecal microbial transfer (FMT) trial at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center in 2020 to treat terminally ill melanoma patients (see here previously).... Read more »

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An AI baby monitor; Strategic partnership with the US; Twins make Aliyah and join elite Navy unit; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Almost all babies vaccinated against polio Israel has successfully rolled out its polio vaccine to children between the ages of six weeks and 18 months – the age most... Read more »

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Building hospitals in Morocco; An $8 billion market; Israeli innovation for Michigan; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Chronic disease breakthrough Researchers from Haifa’s Bnai Zion Medical Center and Israel’s Technion Institute have developed semaphorin 3A – a molecule that maintains the balance of the immune system. It can help treat autoimmune... Read more »

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Indian Jews celebrate Bar Mitzva at Kotel; A special swimmer; Ethiopian Book of Psalms rescued; and much more! By: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Rebooting the immune system Israel’s NeoTX (see here previously) is now conducting a Phase 2 trial of its naptumomab estafenatox (NAP) bacteria-coated, immunotherapy cancer treatment on 30 patients in the US. It... Read more »

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Empowering female entrepreneurs; Eco-friendly power for satellites; Samaria Film Festival; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS A platform to eliminate all viruses Hebrew University startup ViroBlock has reported preliminary success of its platform for rapidly generating anti-viral therapies. Its channel blockers inhibit proteins expressed by current and emerging viruses, including COVID-19 and... Read more »

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Number 1 for R&D investment; Clearly see the water; Promoting trade with Egypt and Morocco; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Center for Translational Medicine Rambam Health Care and Israel’s Technion Institute have established the Wolfe Center for Translational Medicine and Engineering. Doctors, scientists, and engineers will work together from bench to... Read more »

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Israel joins the Invictus Games; Coming soon – 3D-printed skin; Storing green energy; and much more! By: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Israel’s most advanced cardiology hospital The new NIS 200 million Eyal Ofer Heart Hospital has just opened on the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa. Besides “normal” cardiology treatments, it will advance research... Read more »

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Breakthrough Innovation; Chalk Over Hate; Eight top Israeli scientists; and much more! By: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Using AI to identify autoimmune diseases After winning a medical contest to detect celiac disease, Shlomit Steinberg-Koch founded Predicta Med. Its Artificial Intelligence is 84% accurate in detecting Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic... Read more »

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Arab firefighters; Recycling waste to grow seafood; Combining music and hi-tech; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Ketamine as an antidepressant Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute and in Germany, have clarified the molecular cascade triggered by ketamine, that leads to its sustained antidepressant effects. They found that the gene Kcnq2 enables potassium... Read more »

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Saving Ukrainian refugees in Poland; Israel is buzzing; More startups doing good work; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Neurological discovery Researchers at Tel Aviv University found that a mutation in genes ADNP and SHANK3 causes conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, and neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. They also found that an experimental... Read more »

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ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Covid-19 therapy also helps cancer patients MesenCure – the life-saving Covid-19 treatment from Israel’s Bonus BioGroup (see here) also prevents a lethal inflammatory response that affects cancer patients receiving immunotherapy. In California trials MesenCure significantly reduced an overreaction of the immune system. Slowing the progress of ALS Israel’s Neuromagen (see here previously)... Read more »

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Praise for Israeli health system; Re-wilding the wetlands; Bar Mitzvah at the Kotel for Ukrainian orphans; and much more! By Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS How a Covid-19 variant is created Most research related to Coronavirus mutations looks at the virus and how it infects a vaccinated individual. But researchers at Israel’s Technion have been... Read more »

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A happy return; An app to get you off the couch; Other things to do in May; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Field hospital treated 6,000 Israel’s Kochav Meir (Shining Star) field hospital in Ukraine has closed after six weeks, having treated 6,000 patients. The hospital was originally planned to operate... Read more »

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No more blood shortages; Mission to aid Ethiopia; A virtual model; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS A good place The latest Coronavirus wave is over as far as Israel is concerned. Experts say the reasons include immunity from the previous Omicron wave, plus behavioral factors such as protecting the elderly. If... Read more »

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Israeli Arab leads Ukraine field hospital lab; The world’s thinnest lenses; Defending Europe; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Cancer therapy “double-whammy” Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed a 2-in-1 anti-cancer nanoparticle. It is the world’ first RNA-based treatment to combine chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells and immunotherapy to stimulate the... Read more »

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Accurate diagnosis; More sea turtles hatching; Where Zionism and medicine meet; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Medical clowns aid Ukrainian refugees The huge numbers of Israeli volunteers aiding refugees from Ukraine in Moldova include the medical clowns of Dream Doctors (see here previously). Their costumes, big red noses and funny antics light... Read more »

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Protection against ISIS drones; On the diamond map; The world’s largest collection of Esther scrolls; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Tons of equipment for Israeli Ukraine field hospital Israel airlifted some 17 tons of equipment to build its $6.5 million “Kochav Meir” (Shining Star) Ukraine field hospital (see here previously), which is... Read more »

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Innovation teams in mixed cities; 5G networks for smart cities; Accelerating TV format startups; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Medics rush to Ukraine Israeli emergency NGO United Hatzalah chartered a plane and sent 40 paramedics, EMTs, doctors, psychologists, and therapists, to join its volunteers already treating local Ukrainians. The plane also... Read more »

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Biblical discoveries of 2021; Successful trials for portable eye test; Hydrogen trucks for Israel; and much more! by: Micheal Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Stopping cancer spreading during chemotherapy A Technion doctorate student has discovered that the LOX enzyme plays a major role in helping cancer spread (metastasis) when the patient is having chemotherapy. Inhibiting LOX... Read more »

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ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Innovative heart treatment After 68 years, Yair’s complex congenital heart defect finally caught up with him. Luckily, the years also brought new advances and, for the first time in Israel, instead of open-heart surgery, his irregular pulse could be resolved at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center using cardiac catheterization. Portable lung tests... Read more »

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ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Non-invasive eye test for Covid-19 Israel’s AdOM Advanced Optical Technologies has developed the Tear Film Imager (TFI) which, in 40 seconds, measures the tear film layer of the eye to detect if someone has coronavirus. Israel’s Sheba Medical Center is now recruiting volunteers for a clinical study of the TFI.  ... Read more »

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Pursue an MD degree in Israel; Israelis of iron; Top pick of Israeli crop of charities; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Alzheimer’s breakthrough Tel Aviv University scientists have identified pathological activity in the brain that precedes initial Alzheimer’s symptoms by many years. A systemic failure causes high activity the hippocampus even... Read more »

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Home visits for your pet; Aid to Tonga; 450,000 trees to keep Israelis cool; and much more! by: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS ALS treatment trial success The cellular therapy from Israel’s Kadimastem (see here previously) was able to slow down the progression of ALS in its first human clinical trial on ten patients. Kadimastem’s Vice... Read more »

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