The Palestinian Authority is urging a greater Iranian role in the Middle East, according to a breaking news report in The Jerusalem Post. Furthermore, in its conflict with Israel, the PA has not eliminated the option of violence as well as isolating the Jewish state through economic and academic boycotts.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and several Cabinet ministers slammed US Secretary of State John Kerry for threatening Israel with boycotts in his efforts to finalize a peace deal between the Jewish State and the Palestinian Authority.

Israel's New Year for Trees has begun! Now is the right time to start planting Fruit Trees in the Land of Israel. Watch your trees of Israel blossom into magnificent expressions of bounty and beauty. Show your love for the Land of Israel and PLANT FRUIT TREES TODAY!

Ariel Sharon, Israel’s 11th prime minister and one of its greatest military strategists, was laid to rest on Monday afternoon at his Sycamore Ranch in southern Israel. However, as theIrish Independent quipped, he was "laid to rest but not in peace."

The location of a royal castle that may have belonged to the biblical King David will be revealed to the public on Friday next week, Israel National News reported. “The find is a decorated carved stone known as ‘a proto-aeolic capital’ that is connected to a column,” INN explained. “Unlike all of the other proto-aeolic... Read more »

As Secretary of State John Kerry departed the region, a video has been released which sheds light on the Palestinian Authority’s true motive in demanding a peace agreement based on the 1967 borders: the eradication of the State of Israel in a step-by-step process.