On Purim, lacking visible clarity in the form of open miracles, the Jewish people trained themselves to listen.

We learn from the story of Purim and from the hero Mordechai in particular that a leader must follow his convictions, regardless of the ratings.

Here's some basic - and not so basic - information about Purim. Learn about the history and the meaning behind this joyous, yet very significant, holiday.

Bring Purim Joy and Blessing to Israeli families who have suffered the pain and trauma of a terror attack. Your gift will touch their hearts and make the holiday celebration extra special!

The Book of Esther is unique because it focuses not on God, but on what human beings can do - and must do - in the face of terrifying political events.

We are very excited to celebrate the festive and joyous holiday of Purim in Israel, where we walk the streets or drive around enjoying the creativity in people's costumes!