In its own words, Mahmoud Abbas' party states that its 'war' is with 'Jews,' exposing the vicious, genocidal underbelly of Israel's so-called "peace partner."
Calls for Palestinian reconciliation mean that a terror group calling for Israel's destruction is a legitimate player in the Palestinian and international community.
The UN, the Palestinian Authority and others are apparently devoted disciples of Mark Twain, who reputedly once quipped: 'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.'
While the PA, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, is begging for aid, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), also headed by Abbas and funded by the PA, is building a multi-million dollar international real estate portfolio.
A PA committee condemned the move, saying that the renovation is an attack on the exclusive right of the Muslims to enter the site. Are there no disabled Muslims wishing to enter?
In a recent broadcast on official PA TV, a leading Palestinian religious leader and government official incited viewers to try and capture innocent Israelis.
In the worldview of Abbas, the creation of Israel was a catastrophe. For there to be peace, Israel must submit to an invented Palestinian narrative and self-destruct.
If you are a Palestinian who has to choose between actually working for a living or participating in terrorist activities and receiving a huge PA funded salary, the sound financial choice would be clear.
'After canceling the Palestinian elections because his Fatah party faced certain defeat, Abbas was at his lowest popularity ever... He was desperate to redirect Palestinian wrath from him to Israel.'
As part of its 'Pay-for-Slay' terror reward policy, the Palestinian Authority has been paying the murderers of the Fogel family a monthly salary since the day they were arrested.
"The ICC will act according to a legal plan, according to the legal measures for extradition and prosecution, and there were experiences with this after World War II: the court in Nuremberg and in Tokyo."
Just in time for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Palestinian Authority taught TV viewers that the Holocaust was the price the Jews paid for their evil behavior.
Osama Khaled Joudeh received a PA medal for helping victims of the deadly Vienna attack in November, but a Palestinian man who helped Jewish victims of a shooting attack near Hebron received death threats and had to flee for his life.
The Grand Mufti said that 'those who [showed the cartoons] are completely uncultured,' but he did not say the man who beheaded a teacher was 'uncultured.'
This could be the first time in over a decade that the PA did not pay salaries to terrorists, with banks appearing to buck the pay-for-slay policy for fear of legal ramifications.
The amount of money the Palestinian Authority spent this month paying terrorists could buy them 387,143 coronavirus test kits or 465 ventilators instead.
While Israel has taken measures to prevent the virus from reaching all Israeli prisons, the Palestinian Authority is spreading a nasty blood libel to the contrary.