PA Leader Urges Release of Terrorist Marwan Barghouti » Abbas trying to release Marwan Barghouti
Assassinated Minister of Tourism Rehavam Ze'evi (Photo: Flash90)
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Copyright: Copyright (c) Flash 90 2008Credit: Flash 90
Title: Portrait of Rehavam Gandhi Ze'evi
Caption: **FILE** Portrait of Rehavam Gandhi Ze'evi was an Israeli general, politician and historian who founded the right-wing nationalist Moledet party. He was assassinated by Hamdi Quran of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), becoming the only Israeli politician to be assassinated during the Second intifada. September 10, 2001. Photo by Flash90 *** Local Caption *** øçáòí æàáé âðãé ãéå÷ï ôåøèøè
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