A recent column in a Saudi daily singled out Arab states who “feebly” condemn Israel, while not-so-secretly maintaining ties with the Jewish state. Saudi Arabian journalist Muhammad Arif used his weekly column in the Saudi daily Al-Madina to lambaste Arab countries that simultaneously maintain and deny ties with Israel. Skewering this hypocritical approach to diplomacy... Read more »
Young 17-year-old Leora Noor Eisenberg was shocked to discover that a popular news site that so many liberal Americans love is actually run by Qatar-based Al-Jazeera, an anti-West, anti-American and anti-Israel media outlet.
Not surprisingly, many Arabs prefer Israel, a stabilizing element in the Middle East, over Hezbollah, a terror spreading element that is destabilizing the region.
Appearing on Al-Jazeera television Thursday, Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said that Israel was prepared to do whatever was necessary to stop Hamas terrorists from attacking Israel.