Kids Kicking Cancer is an incredible Israeli program that gives children a reason for hope and confidence. Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg lost his young daughter to leukemia when she was only two years old. Out of that tragedy he found the inspiration to create this extraordinary initiative, bringing martial arts training directly into hospitals

Zichron Menachem, with the help of girls and women across the country, provides emotional support for young cancer patients and their families in a unique way.

In Israel, many women and girls make a point of letting their hair grow long so they could donate it to a cancer patient.

Key enzyme discovery in fight against cancer; Israeli biotech Neurim signed marketing agreements for its new treatment for sleep disorders in children with autism and neurogenetic diseases; Israeli surgeons from Save a Child’s Heart saved 14 young, faulty hearts, and much more. By: Michael Ordman ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Key enzyme discovery in fight against cancer Israel Technion... Read more »

Hebrew University of Jerusalem scientists’ development of TXM peptides can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia in diabetics; Israeli startup Biotreat 21 has invented what it calls a miracle cream, claiming it could completely regrow damaged skin, and much more.

Israeli researchers may have solved the main issue surrounding organ transplants, and researchers at Tel Aviv University have discovered evidence of colon cancer in the mummified remains of an 18th century Hungarian corpse.

A cancer study hailed this week as potentially showing revolutionary results for the treatment of leukemia is based on research undertaken by Prof. Zelig Eshhar of Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science.

Researchers at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University are developing gold nano-rods to help identify and treat blocked arteries, and scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have destroyed the HIV virus using peptides containing multiple copies of the virus’ DNA.

Scientists at Tel Aviv University and Rabin Medical Center have discovered they can detect lung cancer early in smokers by performing a CT scan at the time they are admitted as pneumonia patients. Often, the pneumonia is caused by young cancer cells blocking air pathways.

Israel’s Novotalk is the only app that includes a therapy aspect for stuttering intervention, and researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed a molecule which targets metastatic human melanoma and colon cancer.

Israel’s Hello Heart iPhone, Apple Watch and Android phone app reveals that, after six weeks use, 25% of users had reduced their blood pressure with an average drop of 24 points, and Israel’s Rosetta Genomics has received a US patent for the treatment of prostate cancer.

Predictions for Israel’s medical achievements that will take place in the forthcoming new Jewish Year of 5776. They are reliable predictions, as they mirror actual events that occurred in 5775.

After 2000 years of exile, citizens of the State of Israel can be proud of their phenomenal technological achievements in just 67 years. It’s as if the gift of time itself has been bestowed on the Jewish State for the benefit of humanity.