'One shot will disrupt the ceremony and one dead body will cancel the ceremony,' claimed an op-ed in the Palestinian Authority's Al-Hayat Al-Jadida daily.
This unhinged Iranian ayatollah also called for 'chopping into pieces' the British ambassador and claimed the IRGC killed hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops.
There must be zero tolerance for a Jersey City school board member who called Jews 'organ sellers' and demanded that people explore the 'message' behind the deadly anti-semitic attack at a kosher market.
In a speech that also included disgusting false accusations leveled at former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, a Philadelphia hate preacher portrayed Jews as abominable creatures deserving of scorn.
The 'End Palestinian Terror Salaries Act' would build on the Taylor Force Act to impose penalties on officials who reward terrorists and their families.
'Unbelievable, children should receive an education for a better future, not be educated for hate and violence,' German MP Frank Müller-Rosentritt said.
The sum that the UN and the PA are requesting is equivalent to the $355 million the PA allocated in its 2018 budget to reward terrorists and their families.
After Palestinian terrorists killed and wounded 14 Israelis in multiple attacks, David Friedman blasts PA laws compensating perpetrators for 'heinous act.'
Israeli children have regularly been the purposeful targets of Palestinian terror organizations. Their murder has not only been indiscriminate, but deliberate.
The exemption from paying tax on a new car is just one of many financial rewards the PA pays to the terrorist prisoners and the families of dead terrorists.
'There should be no room in respected international organizations for those who support terror, promote violence and employ threats and intimidation,' Erdan stated.
A top Palestinian official 'expressed his pride' in the terrorists, who 'sacrifice[d] years of their lives for the freedom of the country and the people.'
The Palestinians' EU-financed 2017 textbooks 'contain, across all subjects, violent depictions, hate speech – in particular against Israel – and glorification of jihad and martyrdom,' the EU noted.