According to tradition, Qasr El Yehud on the Jordan River is the exact spot where Joshua and the Children of Israel entered the holy land.

Throughout our long history, Jews have overcome all sorts of obstacles to observe the mitzvah of sukkah. But perhaps one of the most striking instances is the sukkah built in Mexico City in the year 1603 by a crypto-Jew named Sebastian Rodriguez.

A new effort is educating the Muslims who live in the historic Jewish neighborhoods about their past occupants and is giving them tools to assist them to welcome Jewish and Israeli tourists.

Tisha B’Av teaches us that throughout history, hatred of Jews existed. The barbaric Hebron massacre is a perfect example and should be remembered.

As the video proclaims, “Am Yisrael Chai!: – The Jewish Nation Lives Forever! Known by his stage name “Rav Mo,” Rabbi Moshe Friedman is a rapper and a spoken word artist who has produced music videos with international acclaim. In this inspiring yet humorous music video, Rav Mo celebrates the eternity of the Jewish People,... Read more »

This year, when celebrating the joy of Chanukah, we must make it more than a superficial effort and remember those who fought and found the oil to light our way.

Chanukah is the only Jewish holiday that commemorates an ancient national liberation struggle in the Land of Israel, particularly Judea and Samaria.