Perhaps President Obama forgot that he is leader of the free world and could have used the death of a dictator to say something about the importance of human liberty and human rights. But why, after eight years of Obama cozying up to Erdogan of Turkey and, worse, Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran, should we expect anything else?

Aides to President-elect Donald Trump are cautioning outgoing President Barack Obama to refrain from moving forward with any end-of-term initiatives — including a potential Israeli-Palestinian peace push — that Trump opposes, Politico reported on Thursday.

There is a growing fear that despite US public opinion, Obama’s obsession to distance the US diplomatically from Israel could lead him to forgo employing the US veto in the Security Council, or worse, endorse a resolution which could pave the way for global sanctions against Israel.

After the White House made clear it is exploring options that could potentially damage Israel in an end-of-term move, the WSJ asked, 'Does Mr. Obama want to be remembered as the President who criminalized Israeli citizenship?'

President Obama's order to fly flags at half-staff covers all federal buildings and grounds throughout the United States and its territories, as well as US embassies, military bases and other facilities abroad.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said his differences with Obama are not based on personal animosity and only surround issues of Iran and the 'settlements,' which, he insists, are wrongly perceived by many as the main obstacle to peace.

I just found out that I am deplorable, or at least I hang out with deplorables.

After nearly eight years of President Obama, it feels as though we have returned to September 10, 2001. Obama refuses to talk about radical Islam or acknowledge the war being waged against us. While he lives in a parallel universe, the evidence that his policies have failed continues to mount.

J Street Jews are the Jewish equivalent to Uncle Tom. Their lives are not in any danger, but they chose to curry favor with the “elite” against their own people.

RE: 'Peres slams Israeli critics of Obama: It wouldn’t hurt us to say thank you' (The Jerusalem Post). Yes, it would hurt!