Princeton professor Jan Tomasz Gross said Poland's new stance on dissociating itself from the Holocaust is "a step back to the dark ages of anti-Semitism," while he decried other anti-democratic policies adopted by the new Polish government.

Treblinka holds a notorious place in history as nearly all Jews brought there were immediately killed. After a prisoner revolt in the camp, Samuel Willenberg managed to escape and lived to tell the truth about the Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jews as well as Polish complicity in the Holocaust.

The Anti-Defamation League, a New York-based Jewish rights group, has called on Poland's new prime minister to reconsider the appointment of the country's new defense minister unless he publicly recants an anti-Jewish remark from 13 years ago.

Museum staff at the former Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration camp in Poland placed mist showers at the entrance in an attempt to alleviate visitors' discomfort from the summer heat, but their goodwill was perceived by some as offensive.

The city of Olkusz in southern Poland has decided to set up security at its Jewish cemetery and build a high wall around the site following vandalism and anti-Semitic graffiti that defaced headstones.