Despite Qatar's attempts to politicize a major debate tournament and its refusal to engage with students from Israel, two Israeli teams topped the European Universities Debating Championship in Serbia.

Former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani said Israelis have a right to live in their own land, The Jerusalem Post reported. By: United with Israel Staff In a Twitter post on Wednesday, former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani stated that Israelis have a right to... Read more »

A recent column in a Saudi daily singled out Arab states who “feebly” condemn Israel, while not-so-secretly maintaining ties with the Jewish state. Saudi Arabian journalist Muhammad Arif used his weekly column in the Saudi daily Al-Madina to lambaste Arab countries that simultaneously maintain and deny ties with Israel. Skewering this hypocritical approach to diplomacy... Read more »

In a true sign of change in the Arab world, Kuwaiti media personality Yousuf 'Abd Al-Karim Al-Zinkawi called on all Arab and Muslim states to recognize Israel, openly and without delay, and stop calling it "the Zionist Entity" or "the Israeli occupation," terms which undermine Israel's legitimacy.

Hamas and Israel are negotiating a long-term ceasefire agreement, to the dismay of other Palestinian factions. The truce may include an end to Israel's legal military blockade on Gaza.