The Deputy Commander of the South Brigade of the Gaza Division, which protects the border between Israel and Gaza, gives us a tour of one of the tunnels that was discovered.

Sometimes the best strategy to combat a threat is to face it head on – with double the force. Yahalom, the IDF Combat Engineering Corps special unit that specializes in underground warfare, does just that.

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon announced a new diplomatic battle against humanitarian funding that reaches Hamas and supports its terror infrastructure. 'We will not relent until the UN and other aid organizations begin to track and follow every dollar that enters the Gaza Strip,' he said.

Hamas has built a sophisticated network of tunnels that it has used to penetrate Israel to carry out terrorist attacks on civilians and soldiers and smuggle goods and weapons in and out of Gaza through the Sinai Peninsula.

Two Palestinian men with entry permits to Israel were caught by Israeli security forces transferring funds from Gaza to Judea and Samaria. They then revealed information about tunnels, many of which are located under civilian structures such as residences and mosques.

A Palestinian minor active in Hamas' military wing, who crossed illegally into Israel at the beginning of April and was caught, has provided Israel with a treasure trove of information on Hamas' terror-tunnel network, the Shin Bet (Israel's Security Agency) cleared for publication Tuesday.