Shalom Abudi, an employee of the Israel Electric Corporation, was among a group of electric workers dispatched to the area for infrastructure repairs when he became the victim of the Hezbollah missile attack.
November is IDF Wounded Soldier Appreciating Month. This survivor of a terror attack volunteers to help others and do what she can to 'change the world.'
The wounded victim's mother expressed appreciation, saying that her son would have been happy to know that people around the world were thinking of him.
A wounded survivor of a brutal terror attack that killed his mother and three brothers has now joined a prestigious European wheelchair basketball league.
'This judgement sends a clear message that there is a very heavy price to be paid for financing terrorism and spilling innocent blood in the streets of Jerusalem.'
Today, Shabo is a leading athlete at the Israel Sports Center for the Disabled – both as a basketball player and a swimmer on a national and international level.
As the Talmud states, to save one person is to save the entire world. Indeed, with each victim of terror, a world is destroyed. Rabbi Yaakov Don is a prime example.
The most severe incident occurred Sunday night when terrorists threw rocks at the car driven by Alexander Levlovitz, 64, who was returning from a holiday meal.
The Israeli leadership demands that the world condemn terror against Israelis, which is most often the case, as it does when Palestinians are the victims.
While the funeral of a 20-year-old terror victim was taking place in the North, two men were seen dropping Molotov cocktails in the Gush Etzion region of Judea.
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