United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nickolay Mladenov, said that the Israeli presence in Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem constitutes an impediment to peace.
Waiting for the world to condemn and pay lip service to Israel’s fight against terrorism is a dead end in every sense of the word. It will never happen. We are a sovereign nation. We do not need the world’s permission to defend ourselves against those who seek our destruction.
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon praised the UN Security Council's decision last week to renew the mandate to deploy the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights region until the end of the year.
Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Chairman Avi Dichter complained recently that the Hamas terrorist regime, which calls for Israel's destruction, receives United Nations funding.
Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon spoke at the United Nations General Assembly to discuss the anti-Semitism of the BDS movement.
An amazing show of support for Israel took place on Wednesday at the United Nations in New York with over 2,000 people gathering for the largest anti-BDS assembly to date. The conference was initiated by Israeli ambassador Danon.
After the public responded in outrage to the UN's decision to block part of an exhibit on Israel, the notoriously anti-Semitic body relented and allowed the exhibit to be displayed in full.
“The UN must reverse this outrageous decision and apologize to the Jewish people. Zionism and Jerusalem are the foundation-stones and the moral basis upon which the State of Israel was founded,” Israel's ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, said.
Time and again, the UN chooses to single out Israel and charge it with bogus accusations, while failing to fulfill its mission to make the world a better place.
So far, Ban has refused to retract his statement in which he appeared to legitimize Palestinian terror, and which is now being used by terrorists to justify their heinous actions.
Why not replace the Palestinian People Committee with another body dedicated to all stateless nations and minorities? Democratic member states need to understand that as long as the bodies dedicated to anti-Israel propaganda remain active within the UN structure, very little is going to change.
With his term as secretary-general coming to an end, Ban Ki-moon wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in which he attacks Israel. His obsession with Israel suggests he has lost any inhibitions in hiding his deep bias against, and hatred for, the Jewish State.
The Israeli emergency response organization ZAKA has received official consultative status from the United Nations after three years of trying to secure that designation. ZAKA will now be recognized as an official body in the UN, which gives it the right to participate in official UN discussions.
In a video recording marking the commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Prime Minister Netanyahu slammed the UN and Europe for once again turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism.
Israel is demanding that the UN condemn Iran for its anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. The contest typifies Iran’s efforts to ridicule or use the Holocaust for anti-Israel propaganda.
Israel is demanding that the UN condemn Iran for its anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Iran plans to host another cartoon contest in June with a cash prize for the "best cartoon on the Holocaust." This contest typifies Iran's Holocaust denial and its efforts to ridicule or use it for anti-Israel propaganda.
Although 40 years have passed since the notorious UN resolution, Israel still faces the same bias and the "trend of UN hostility towards Israel continues to this day,” as Netanyahu said.
When UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was questioned in 2013 while speaking in Jerusalem, he was asked about the UN bias against Israel. Here is his response.
Once again, an international report ranked Israel in a high spot, attesting to Israel's strengths and its growing economy, which benefits all of its citizens.
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon criticized the institution for failing to heed the warning signs of potential genocides since the end of World War II and the Holocaust.
Islamic scholar Ayatollah Ahmad Al Hassani Al Baghdadi explains what appears to be his (terrifying) vision for an Islamic takeover of America and his desire to "liberate Palestine."
The Paris Climate Conference began with a moment of silence for the world's recent victims of radical Islamic terror. But one group - Israeli victims of Palestinian terror - was glaringly left unmentioned.
On Wednesday, the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN, together with the Yad Chaim Herzog Association and American Jewish Congress, held a special event to commemorate the 40th anniversary of UN resolution 3379.
Egypt's delegation to the UN last week voted in support of Israel’s bid for membership in the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Affairs. This marks the very first time, since 1949 when Israel joined the UN, that Egypt voted in Israel's favor.
Israel’s ambassador criticized the election of Venezuela, a dictatorship and ally of Iran, to the UN Human Rights Council. The UNHRC unfairly condemns Israel in nearly 40% of its country-specific resolutions.
Several United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) employees have been suspended, but not fired, for posts on social media inciting to violence and anti-Semitism.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu set the record straight for UN Chief Ban Ki-moon, pointing out exactly who is responsible for the increased terror over the last month.
In a speech to foreign diplomats in Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized the need for everyone to stand with Israel because it is the moral thing to do.
Outgoing Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor reprimanded the UN for its refusal to stand up for Israel while Israelis die in Palestinian terror attacks.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon called on Israel to investigate the killing of Palestinian terrorists, but made no mention of widespread Palestinian violence against Jews.
The Hamas propaganda machine is running non-stop as the terror organization has released another video, this time parodying popular Jewish songs as the terrorists portray the murder of soldiers and civilians in Israel.
In what was a speech for the ages, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu punished the UN with a piercing, grim stare and a deafening scream of utter silence.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sternly reprimanded the world for rushing to embrace Iran. But the most compelling part of the speech was when Netanyahu did not speak at all.