United with Israel January 31, 2014
30 Shevat 5774
No ‘Settlers’ Allowed in Palestinian State, PA Leaders Affirm

No "settlers" would be allowed to reside in a Palestinian state, it was confirmed this week.

No settlers allowed in Palestinian state
Torah in the News: Ascending the Temple Mount

How can it be that Muslims decide who gets to pray on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism? But a more fundamental question: Does Jewish law allow for Jews to even ascend the Temple Mount?

temple mount
Good News Israel Good News From Israel: More Life-Changing Discoveries
The excitement of living in the Start-up Nation can be electric. You can often feel the buzz from highly charged Israeli entrepreneurs developing their latest wired and wireless innovative products.
holocaust Holocaust Remembered as Antisemitism Surges
Israel’s largest-ever delegation visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp yesterday to attend a ceremony marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This year’s event, however, takes on added significance, as antisemitism has been notably on the rise, particularly in Europe.
Terror in Judea and Samaria Increase in Terror in Judea and Samaria is Significant
Israel’s Shin Bet General Security Service has released a report showing a serious increase in terror in Judea and Samaria in 2013.
Marci Rapp THE FACES OF ISRAEL: Marci Kaplan Rapp
Since the historic visit last week of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who pledged to support Israel "through fire and water," United with Israel has chosen a Canadian-Israeli for this week's Faces of Israel feature: Marci Kaplan Rapp.
Rabbi Enkin Living Torah: Our Own Personal Tabernacle
This week's Torah message is clear: Our personal relationship with God is totally up to us. The opportunity is there and everyone is welcome and encouraged to take advantage. We can construct a Tabernacle that resides within each one of us. It is ours for the taking!


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