United with Israel March 21, 2014
19 Adar II 5774
IDF Chief Benny Gantz: ‘We need to retake Gaza’

In light of last week's hostilities with Islamic Jihad IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz lays down the gauntlet.

Benny Gantz Retake Gaza
Majority of US Lawmakers Demand End to Iran’s Nuclear Program

A large majority of United States senators is demanding that President Barack Obama thwart Iran's nuclear program.

iranian nuclear program
temple mount Bigotry and Violence are Common Practice at Temple Mount
Israeli lawmakers Moshe Feiglin and Uri Ariel were prohibited from visiting the Temple Mount, where religious discrimination and violence are common practice. Moshe Feiglin, a Member of Knesset – Israel’s parliament – was the latest victim of religious discrimination by Muslims at the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, when he was forced to leave the... Read more »
preemptive strike Torah in the News: Is a Preemptive Strike Permissible?
A Jew should always prefer peace over war; nevertheless, we are required to fight for justice and to defend ourselves against any threats.
pesach-slide Send Passover Gifts to IDF Soldiers
The 'Passover Partners' project connects you with the heroes of Israel who defend our freedom every day. Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home.
israeli-jordanian peace treaty Jordan Prime Minister Reaffirms Commitment to Israeli-Jordanian Peace Treaty
Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur refused to cave in to Islamist demands that he recall Jordan's ambassador to Israel over the shooting of Palestinian terrorist Raed Zeiter.
arab-israeli start-ups Arab-Israeli Start-Ups Make Global Impact
With Arabic becoming one of the most widely used languages on the Internet, Arab-Israeli start-ups eye users across political boundaries.
nadav and avihu LIVING TORAH: Acknowledge Your Weaknesses and Work on Them!
Why did Nadav and Avihu deserve to die for bringing an offering to God? So what if God did not “command” them to bring it – what is so bad about making an offering to God voluntarily?


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