United with Israel April 4, 2014
4 Nisan 5774
Why is Israel Different from All Other States?

Good News from Israel: As we approach the night that is different from all other nights, there is much in the recent news that distinguishes the Jewish State.

good news from Israel
Kerry Blames ‘Both Parties’ for Deadlock in Peace Talks

US Secretary of State John Kerry continues to urge compromise on both sides notwithstanding a clear breakdown in peace talks.

peace talks
Passover: Freedom for the Nation of Israel!

Passover commemorates our freedom from slavery and the birth of the Jewish nation: A healthy, liberating experience for both the body and the soul of the People of Israel.

peace negotiations PA Move at UN Points to Fragility of Peace Negotiations
The PA seeks legitimacy at the UN in defiance of peace negotiations following Israel's decision not to free terrorists over the past weekend as scheduled.
IDF-medical-team-saves-Palestinian-lives-3-640x480 IDF Soldiers Treat 20 Wounded Palestinian Arabs
IDF soldiers treat wounded Palestinian Arabs regularly, and Tuesday was no different, when 20 PA residents required urgent medical attention.
peace talks US May Release Pollard to Save Peace Talks
The release of Jonathan Pollard in exchange for terrorists is being considered in a bid to save the Israeli-PA peace talks, reports indicate.
faces of israel Faces of Israel: Yoni Kaplan
For Canadian immigrants to Israel who knew Yoni Kaplan’s grandfather, hearing about the young IDF soldier’s work to protect Israeli civilians is bittersweet.
Places of Israel: Nachlaot
Should time and circumstance conspire to bring you to Jerusalem, do take a quick detour into the city’s hip, happening, pulsating Nachlaot neighborhood.
008 (3) VIDEO: Palestinian Negotiators Don’t Want You to Watch This Video
Find out why the term 'East Jerusalem' is really a myth devised in order to harm Israel. There is only Jerusalem, and it belongs to the People of Israel!
leprosy in the bible Living Torah: Leprosy in the Bible
Leprosy in the bible should not be confused with medical leprosy. The leprosy in the bible was a spiritual disease that caused white blemishes to appear.
pesach-slide Send Passover Gifts to IDF Soldiers
The 'Passover Partners' project connects you with the heroes of Israel who defend our freedom every day. Many soldiers spend the Passover holiday with needy families back home.


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