United with Israel July 8, 2014
10 Tammuz 5774
Operation ‘Protective Edge’ Begins in Response to Escalation of Terror

The IDF has begun Operation Protective Edge in response to the intense escalation of rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel.

Operation Protective Edge
More Rockets are Bombarding Southern Israel

IDF hits back and prime minister calls emergency Security Cabinet meeting as Israelis in the south are bombarded by missiles.

World opinion
Help Build Bomb Shelters in Southern Israel

Imagine hearing a frightening siren blaring “Code Red, Code Red” and having 15 seconds to run for cover. Imagine never being able to walk beyond a short distance of the nearest shelter.

build bomb shelters
Fire set at Wadi Ara in northern Israel. (Photo: Izik Barbi/Flash90) Violence in Israel at Highest Level since Intifada
Israeli authorities are fighting lawlessness on several fronts as well as violence allegedly committed by fringe Jewish extremists.
shelly dadon Terrorist Murderer of Shelly Dadon, 19, Arrested
A gag order has been lifted since the arrest of Hussein Yousef Hussein Khalifa, the terrorist that murdered 20-year-old Shelly Dadon in northern Israel.
Funeral of Naftali Frankel Palestinian Authority ‘Consider[s] Murderers to be Heroes’, Says Prime Minister
Visiting the family of Naftali Frankel in Nof Ayalon today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated "the difference between us and our neighbors."
world opinion Opinion: World Cares Only about Jewish Killers
The "moral" counter-attack has begun.We citizens of Israel are all being portrayed as responsible for the despicable murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir.
Living Torah Living Torah: Murder of Innocent Teen a Despicable Crime
The shameful murder of 15-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir has shocked Israeli society to the core, and authorities have vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice.


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