How an IDF Commander with just One Tank Turned Back a Syrian Column in the Yom Kippur War
With just one tank, Captain Zvika Greengold withstood the might of the Syrian military. He persisted heroically for hours, throwing himself at the enemy in the face of almost certain death.
Yom Kippur Facts and Thoughts
An ordinary day in the Land of Israel is as holy as a Sabbath in the Diaspora. A Sabbath in the Land of Israel is as holy as Yom Kippur in the Diaspora. The holiness of Yom Kippur in the Land of Israel cannot be found anywhere else in the world. – The Holy Book... Read more »
Yom Kippur: Forgiving Is Awesome!
Yom Kippur is known as the Day of Atonement, the day when we are forgiven for our sins. This not as simple as some magical ritual that wipes the slate clean.
Listen to your Soul!
To my dear readers who observe Yom Kippur and to all my dear brothers and sisters who may be experiencing a screaming and crying soul like I had all those years ago: Come back home! Most people generally love Chanukah or Passover. Some really go all out on Purim. Others love Rosh Hashana. When someone asks me... Read more »
Why Do We Sing during Yom Kippur Confessional Prayers?
Yes, we have to feel remorse, and yes, it may very well be appropriate on an individual level to be moved to tears, but on the whole, our sages teach us that the confessional is actually a time to be happy.
Stopping Iran ‘More Critical’ than Fighting ISIS: Netanyahu
Stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear capability was at the top of the agenda for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting Wednesday with US President Barack Obama.
Israel Begins a New Year with More Good News!
The Jewish New Year is a time of exciting new beginnings, and there is no better place to observe this occasion than in the Jewish State itself.