Week in Review – October 31, 2014
In this weekly review, we share the 5 top stories of the week in order to provide our supporters with a condensed version of the news.
Liberman Slams Swedish ‘IKEA Plan’ for a Palestinian State
"The Swedish government must understand that relations in the Middle East are more complex than one of Ikea's flat-pack pieces of furniture."
Netanyahu: World Leaders Silent on Abbas Incitement Against Jews
Following the attempted murder of an activist for equal rights for Jews at the Temple Mount, Netanyahu slammed the international community for ignoring PA incitement.
Police Eliminate Jerusalem Terrorist Who Shot Rabbi
Israeli police killed an Arab terrorist just hours after he critically wounded Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick. Tensions in Jerusalem remain extremely high.
Arming Emergency Medical Responders to Terror Attacks
With a surge in terror attacks like the Jerusalem Light Rail murders and the attempted assassination of Rabbi Glick, emergency medical response time could be the difference between life and death. The response team must respond quickly and with the appropriate equipment.
Abraham’s Faith: The Best of Both Worlds
Abraham tried to influence others to believe in God and live a moral life. But he knew that in order to influence people, they have to be able to relate to you.
Who is a True Follower of Abraham?
You, too, can have a strong influence among those around you, and in fact, the less you compromise on your own principles, the more influence you will have!