Turkey is adding insult to injury. After three U.S. servicemen were assaulted there last week, President Erdogan claims it was Muslims who discovered America.
ISIS reportedly beheaded its fifth Western hostage. Peter Kassig was a relief worker aiding Syrian refugees before being captured by the notorious terror group.
A picture posted from the Larousse French dictionary of 1939 shows that the flag of Palestine has a visibly Jewish origin.
Anti-Israel Media Bias Fueled by Arabs ‘Blaming the Jews’
News events this week demonstrate a lack of integrity in mainstream media when it comes to Israel. Fueled by Arab distortions and outright lies. fingers still point at the Jews.
Abdullah’s Swords all Point to Netanyahu – Coincidence?
PM Netanyahu recently visited King Abdullah of Jordan. A photo from the meeting shows swords pointed at the Israeli leader's head. Interior decorating or intentional, subliminal message?