United with Israel November 18, 2014
25 Heshvan 5775
Abbas’ Condemnation of Jerusalem Massacre is Contemptible

Abbas' Fatah party celebrated a brutal terror attack at a Jerusalem synagogue, yet the PA leader issued an official condemnation that was clearly two-faced.

PA leader Abbas. (Photo: Flash90)
Las familias de los terroristas de Jerusalem celebran la matanza con caramelos

En el barrio Jabel Mukaber de Jerusalén, los familiares de los primos Uday y Ghassan Abu Jamal celebraron efusivamente tras haberse enterado que ambos habían asesinado a cuatro judíos e hirieron a otros ocho con hachas, cuchillos y pistolas en una sinagoga en el barrio de Har Nof, de la ciudad capital.

A Palestinian serves baked goods to a passerby in Gaza in celebration of the Jerusalem terror attack.
(Source: shutterstock) Too Fat for ISIS: Australian Mother Hopes Terror Group Will Reject her Obese Sons
An Australian mother hopes that the Islamic State will turn down her obese sons who escaped from home to join the notorious terrorist group in Syria.
(Source: sesame-enable.com) Israelis Develop Smartphone Technology for the Disabled
New Israeli technology will give the disabled control over their device, enabling them to access the wonderful world of the smartphone.
Bennett on CNN WATCH: Economics Minister Naftali Bennett Confronts BBC
International media coverage of Tuesday morning's massacre at a Jerusalem synagogue has already received criticism, with media watchdogs pointing out a slew of headlines and stories downplaying or otherwise misrepresenting the attack.
Ben Wedeman CNN Deserves First Prize for Anti-Israel, Biased Reporting
Mainstream media did a horrible job of covering the deadly attack in Jerusalem Tuesday morning, ranging from twisting the facts to spreading blatant lies.


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