United with Israel December 29, 2014
7 Tevet 5775
Israel ‘Must Act with Force’ Against Palestinian State Bid at UN, says Israeli Minister

Israel is livid about the pending PA bid at the UN Security Council and should consider responding with force to dismantle the PA, says Israeli Minister Steinitz.

Minister Yuval Steinitz. (Photo:  Miriam Alster/ Flash90)
Iran Declares: Our Soldiers are on Israel’s Borders!

Iran is spreading its tentacles throughout the Middle East and appears to have gained a physical presence on Israel's northern border as well as in Judea and Samaria.

Iranian soldiers operating in Lebanon. (Photo: MEMRI)
obama Obama Looks with Hope to Iran, Bails Out of War on ISIS
President Obama seems to be tired of the Middle East, as he speaks warmly of Iran and has plans to scale back the war on ISIS. Bad tidings for the world.
Christian Evangelical supporters of Israel, march with others during a parade for the Feast of the Tabernacles. Photo by Olivier Fitoussi /Flash90 Our Readers Speak: Presbyterian Church (USA) Does Not Represent Us
Our readers have spoken – Those in the Presbyterian Church (USA) who favor divestment from Israel are NOT the majority, and they want us to know it.
core-jewish-ideas-west-690x206 Are Christian Zionists Losing the Next Generation?
A new program in Israel aimed at bringing Christian students to Israel for the summer may be the answer to current fears that Christian support of Israel is waning.
PM Netanyahu meets with US Senator Graham. (photo: MFA) US Senator Supports Israel, Warns UN of ‘Violent Backlash’
Sen. Lindsey Graham backed Jerusalem's demand for direct negotiations with the PA, threatening a serious backlash if the UN supports Palestinian unilateral moves.
Bill Maher WATCH: Bill Maher Stands Up for Operation Protective Edge
During Operation Protective Edge, Bill Maher discussed the conflict on his television show, questioning who was really at fault and how the world views Israel.
(Photo: Flash90) Watch: Hamas Posts Tutorial ‘How To Stab A Jew’
The Arab incitement continues, this time with and instructive clip on how to kill Jews.
honoring parents Honoring Parents: What Does Jewish Law Say?
One who is disrespectful to his or her parents, such as being rough with them or speaking to them harshly, is cursed by God.


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