United with Israel February 12, 2015
23 Shevat 5775
Israeli Spy Captured by Islamic State?

The Islamic State (ISIS) claims it captured an Israeli-Arab spy recruited by his Jewish neighbor in Jerusalem. If true, one can only imagine what will be his fate.

Philadelphia Councilwoman Honors PA Terror Supporter

With Philadelphia councilwoman's decision to honor a Palestinian terror supporter, the City of Brotherly Love becomes a place where hatred is promoted.

Councilwoman Sanchez
Iran burning flag Iran Marks Revolution Anniversary With Calls of ‘Death to America, Israel’
While negotiating with the West, Iran calls for its death and downfall.
iran missile Iranian Commander: ‘Iran’s Missiles Can Hit Anywhere in Mideast’
Iran continues to threaten the world, this time boasting that its missiles can hit any target in the Middle East.
Israeli navy Israeli Navy Intercepts Hamas Terror Shipment
Hamas is continuing efforts to attack Israel, working relentlessly to rearm.
. How Israel is Both a Donor and Recipient of Foreign Aid
Despite its domestic challenges, Israel sends aid in a variety of forms to countries in need.
Anti-Israel protest. (arindambanerjee/Shutterstock.com) South African University Students Call to Expel Jews
South African university's student council demands that the school kick out Jewish students, especially those who support Israel.
A Jewish boy recites the prayer over grape juice. (Photo: Geo Martinez/Shutterstock) Living Torah: The Youth Are Our Future!
This week, the Torah teaches us that the word “youth” in the Jewish lexicon is synonymous with “important ones.”
Prager Intelligent Design WATCH: Intelligent Design or Random Creation?
A new Prager University video examines science's perspective on the universe and the attribution of its origin to intelligent design as opposed to random creation.


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