Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei Sends Obama Secret Letter
The Wall Street Journal reported that Iran's Khamenei replied to President Obama's letter, but the Iranians have denied this.
Netanyahu to World Jewry: Come Home To Israel
With Islamic terror and anti-Semitism in Europe on the rise, Netanyahu calls Jews everywhere to "come home."
Countering Netanyahu’s Call for Jews to ‘Come Home,’ French PM Insists They Belong in France
Where should Jews call home? Upset at Netanyahu for calling on Jews abroad to "come home," some European leaders have countered with their own call for Jews to remain.
Tell Your Representative to Attend Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress!
Contact your representative today and ask them to attend Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to Congress. It is of utmost importance that Iran is not given the chance to develop nuclear weapons!
After Mass Beheading, Egypt Targets ISIS and Bombs Libya
As ISIS' tentacles spread throughout the Middle East and Africa, the terrorist group commits its latest atrocity in Libya.
WATCH: The Most Dangerous Anti-Semite in the West
Meet Ken O'Keefe, a man who incites hatred against Israel and anti-Semitism against the Jewish people all over the world.
WATCH: Being a Jew in Paris (Unreal Video, Scary)
Donning tzitzit and a kippa, an NRG correspondent was filmed walking around Paris for 10 hours. This video shows reality on the ground for Jewish people in Paris -- abuse, insults, and verbal attacks.
This Week in History: Golda Meir Elected First Female Prime Minister of Israel
This Week in Israel's History: Golda Meir Elected First Female Prime Minister of Israel