United with Israel May 28, 2015 - 10 Sivan 5775
My Grandmother’s Secret (You Mean I’m Jewish, not Muslim?)

Mumtaz Hlooah always assumed he was Muslim. One day he discovered that since his grandmother is Jewish,. he is Jewish too. Watch his incredible journey from Jew-hater to Orthodox Jew!

Muslim Man Discovers that he is Jewish
Futuristic Israeli Bullet-Breaching Weapon Could be Used to Defeat ISIS

Surrounded by hostile enemies, Israel must always be one step ahead. A futuristic Israeli bullet-breaching weapon could be used to defeat ISIS in combat. This is no toy gun - watch it in action!

Israeli Weapons Tech Rafael Simon Door-Breacher
Young Ultra-Orthodox Mother of 11 is the Power Behind Israel’s President

Meet Rivka Ravitz - a 39 year old ultra-orthodox mother of 11 kids who is destroying stereotypes as a powerful force behind Israel's President Rivlin. She's a renaissance woman also running a family of 13!

Rivka Ravitz Main Woman President Rivlin Ultra-Orthodox


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