United with Israel June 24, 2015 - 7 Tammuz 5775
US Offers to Provide Iran with Nuclear Reactors

In what appears to be shocking news and yet another concession to Iran, the US and other nations have offered nuclear equipment in exchange for Iran's eliminating its capacity to produce atomic weapons.

Kerry Zarif
WATCH: Netanyahu Rips Apart Latest anti-Israel Biased UN Report

Prime Minister Netanyahu responds to the biased UN report on Israel's war against Hamas, in which it accuses Israel of war crimes. A MUST watch...

Prime Minister Netanyahu Explains and Blasts UN for Corrupt Report
John Kirby US Rejects ‘Biased’ UN Report on Israel’s War Against Hamas
The US views the UN probe on the IDF's actions during last year's Operation Protective Edge as clearly biased. The US State Department therefore has no interest in further investigation by the world body on this issue.
Musim Student is Put in Her Place by Jewish Professor WATCH: Anti-Semitic Muslim Student Put in Her Place by Jewish Professor
In this shocking video, a young Muslim student openly admits to her Jewish professor her hope that all Jews gather in Israel so they don't have to be 'hunted down' from across the world.
Pharrell Williams ACT NOW! Support Singer Pharrell Williams’ Decision to Perform in Israel
Singer Pharrell Williams has become the target of anti-Israel activists after he announced he would play a concert in Israel. Now is the time to thank him for saying NO to those who want to boycott Israel!
Palestinian children indoctrination Opinion: What German and Palestinian Children Have in Common
A new study shows that many children educated in Nazi Germany retained anti-Semitic attitudes for the rest of their lives. What does that portend for Palestinian children, who are likewise taught to hate Jews?
Plastic recycling Israeli Facility to Turn Plastic Waste into Fuel
An Israeli company will use innovative technology to recycle plastic and turn it into fuel.
Experience of Living in a Community Near Gaza Border WATCH: Experience Israeli Life on the Gaza Border
This video gives us a startling and personal look into experiencing what life is like living in a community near the Gaza border during times of conflict and times of restraint.
Torah Scroll Living Torah: The Bible Understands Human Nature
The death of any human being, especially a righteous one, is worthy of great mourning, but when there is no closure, the sadness is much more profound.
hanna perlberger My Jewish Journey: Finding Meaning in Mystery
We don’t have to be churlish and demand instant answers to everything, especially since answers can trivialize serious issues and are far from soul-satisfying.


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