United with Israel July 2, 2015 - 15 Tammuz 5775
UWI Supporters are the Best Friends Israel Has!
UWI Calls to Action are Important – and Succeed!

United with Israel's calls to action are YOUR way of responding to critical issues that affect the welfare and security of Israel. ACT NOW FOR ISRAEL and make your voices heard!

Call to Action
Richard Netanyahu UWI Supporters’ Protests Contribute to French Telecom’s Reversal of anti-Israel Boycott
United with Israel supporters flooded French telecom giant Orange with protests of CEO Stephane Richard's anti-Israel statement and demanded an apology.
Pharrell Williams UWI Fans Flood Pharrell Williams with Support for Upcoming Israel Concert
When anti-Israel activists attacked Pharrell Williams on social media for saying he would perform in Israel, UWI immediately sent thousands of supporters to thank Williams for standing up to the boycott movement.
Andrew Pessin Pro-Israel Professor Under Anti-Semitic Attack Praises UWI for its Support
Professor Andrew Pessin, a strong supporter of Israel, has become the target of an anti-Semitic smear campaign. UWI is helping him gain support by sending hundreds of people to sign his online petition.
Nikki Haley UWI Supporters Thank South Carolina for Outlawing Anti-Israel Boycotts
South Carolina became the first US state to take action against anti-Israel boycotts. United with Israel asked its supporters to thank the governor and the response was overwhelming!


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