United with Israel ISIS Planning to Kill the Queen of England!
August 10, 2015 - 24 Av 5775
Obama Accuses Netanyahu of Interfering in American Politics

President Obama accused PM Netanyahu of meddling in US politics, saying he could not remember a time in which a foreign leader had interfered as much in American affairs.

Palestinians Call Jewish Access to Temple Mount a ‘Desecration’

Dozens of Palestinian religious leaders, including Muslims and Christians, signed a documenting denying the holiness of the Temple Mount to the Jewish People.

Temple Mount Violence
WATCH: The Mullahs are Masters of Deception!

In this video, Maryam Rajavi, the president elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran criticizes the nuclear explaining that the Iranian regime CANNOT be trusted.

Maryam Rajavi Warns About Nuclear Deal with Iran
Queen Eilzabeth II ISIS Planning to Kill the Queen of England – Next Saturday
England's security forces are in a race to foil an attack on its Queen on VJ Day, and they have only days to go.
Islamic Terror - ISIS Hamas Gaza Different Faces Same Goal WATCH: Islamic Terror – Different Faces, Same Goals
The enemy of my enemy is NOT always my friend. Unfortunately, with the Islamic State's rise to power, the world has been quick to form new friendships with old enemies.
Mideast Qatar Kerry Opinion: Nuclearizing Iran, Sabotaging Arabs
We have allowed ourselves to be destroyed from within. Instead of keeping our eyes on the real threat, we exhausted ourselves in wasteful, unending battles against the Jews.
Rocket terror Gaza Terrorists Fire Rocket at Israel; IAF Retaliates
Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired at least one rocket at Israeli civilians over the weekend. No injuries or damage was reported. The IAF retaliated.
Children with Cancer Given Hope and Encouragement Healing in Israel WATCH: Children with Cancer Experience Joy in Israel
In this touching video, children suffering from Cancer were taken out to go paragliding over the sea in Israel, letting them briefly escape from their struggles and challenges.
Pro Israel demonstrators Polish Jew on Trial for Holding Pro-Israel Rally in Warsaw
Taking sides and persecuting the victim, Polish authorities are putting a pro-Israel activist on trial.
Exposing BDS Activists WATCH: Anti-Israel Boycott Activists Are Actually Anti-Semites
This video exposes the true anti-Semitic attitude of anti-Israel boycott activists protesting by a McDonald's restaurant in London due to alleged "Israeli" ties to the business.
hanna perlberger Creating Conscious Community in a Culture of Hate
The response I got from Facebook hit me like a punch in the stomach. I had joined about 26,000 other people in asking Facebook to take down the “I Hate Israel” page, as Facebook has a so-called “policy” that supposedly doesn’t permit hate speech.


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