Israelis will Celebrate Simchat Torah in Spite of the Terror
October 4, 2015 - 21 Tishri 5776
Palestinian Stabbings Cause Jewish Blood to Flow in the Streets of Jerusalem
WATCH: Brutal Terror Attack in Jerusalem Leaves Two Jews Dead as Arab Onlooker Sips His Soda
WATCH: Mother and Baby Terror Victims to be Reunited before Tonight’s Holiday
Palestinians Celebrate Murder of Young Parents with Candies and Fireworks
WATCH: IDF Captures Terrorists Who Murdered Couple as Children Watched
UK Leader Lectures Obama on Failure to Name Radical Islam as Main Global Threat
Anti-Defamation League Slams Palestinian Leader for Encouraging Violence
Dance for Joy with the Torah – We Need it for Everything in Life!
Shemini Atzeret: This Holiday is for My People!
A Time To Dance! The Essence of Simchat Torah
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