\'In one Palestinian school, we found 70 knives\'; Watch Junior Jihadists in Summer Camp
April 1, 2016 - 22 Adar II 5776
Netanyahu Furious at US Lawmakers Who Demand Investigating Israeli ‘Human Rights Abuses’
Obama Considers Helping Iran Financially, Outside of Nuclear Deal
WATCH: Junior Jihadists in Action – World’s Sickest Summer Camp!
ACT NOW! Encourage Your State Legislature to Condemn the Anti-Israel Boycott Movement
WATCH: Israel Invents Amazing State-of-the-Art Life-Saving Device!
Belgian Operator Fired for Telling Israeli Victims that Israel Does NOT Exist!
Palestinian Leader Abbas: ‘In One School, We Found 70 Students with Knives’
Associated Press Collaborated with Nazi Regime, German Historian Says
WATCH: Israel Leads the World in Cybersecurity
IDF Commandos Train to Free Boat Hijacked by ISIS Terrorists
Living Torah: Take Responsibility and Don’t Shift the Blame
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