United with Israel Holy Temple Tools Found in Galilee; Israeli Students Invent Device to Save Stabbing Victims
April 5, 2016 - 26 Adar II 5776
WATCH: Israeli Medical Invention Saves Lives of Stabbing Victims in Seconds!

Israeli students have developed a new chest-tube insertion device that can save the lives of stabbing victims 15 times faster than before.

Medical innovation
WATCH: Superman’s Got Nothing on Israel!

This brilliant new video shows HOW MUCH GOOD Israel does and why it is truly a blessing to the world. It just won first prize in the Israel Video Network contest and cannot be missed!

WATCH: Holy Temple Tools Discovered in the Galilee

Archaeologists digging near the Sea of Galilee discovered ancient tools from the Holy Temple, testifying to the existence of vibrant Jewish communities in Israel thousands of years ago.

Second-Temple period shovel 1
Passover Gifts for IDF


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