united with israel alerts
Israel Alert Newsletter   20 Elul 5772 September 9, 2012

Tell Warwick Hotel in New York: Do NOT Host Ahmadinejad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit New York for the United Nations Genral Assembly next month. The Warwick Hotel has agreed to host Iran’s leader, who many consider to be the world’s modern day Hitler.

Ahmadinejad, while supporting global terrorism, claims that the U.S. orchestrated the September 11 terrorist attacks. His oil rich nation is on the path to nuclear power claiming they have future energy needs. He vows to wipe Israel off the map, while claiming to be a “peacemaker”.

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mushroom cloud Iran Must be Stopped Now!

We demand that world leaders take immediate action against the threat of nuclear attack from Iran. The world cannot stand by and allow Iran to perpetrate another Holocaust against the Jewish people. Israel's very existence is at stake. We urge the leaders of the free world to Stop Iran Now before it's too late.

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Israel Honors The Philippines for Saving Jews

As the Philippines commemorates the 134th birthday of Manuel L. Quezon, he is also honored by thousands of Jewish families who have survived and prospered because they found a home in Manila at the darkest time in their history as a race.

It was a point of no return.

German and Austrian Jews—1,200 of them—narrowly escaped Adolf Hitler’s gas chambers just before the German dictator rounded up 6 million Jews who were eventually tortured and murdered in his concentration camps.

“The mob was screaming bloody murder: ‘Kill the Jews!’” recalls child refugee to Manila John Odenheimer who saw Nazi storm troopers rampaging through their Jewish neighborhood.

“We caught the last train out of Berlin, they closed the border after us,” recalls German refugee Guenther Leopold, whose house was smashed and ransacked by Nazi soldiers.

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A Pro-Israel Rally Takes Place in Sweden!

Sweden’s most significant pro-Israel event in recent history took place just a few days ago. The event was organized by Annika Hernroth-Rothstein, an avid Israel supporter.

“I organized this rally because I thought it was about time that we Zionists stood up and were proud. I wanted to change the narrative on Israel in Sweden and show everyone that Israel is the regions only democracy. It is a country that respects human rights and does wonders for the world with its innovation and culture.”

Annika notes “I wanted, as a Jewish woman in Sweden, to show my pride and inspire others to do the same. My goal was to give a sense of unity and to be active, not reactive.


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