United with Israel

A Jew in France – Pondering the Two-State Solution

This is the perspective of a man living in France looking at politics in Israel and the ramifications of having a two-state solution. 

There isn’t a day more symbolic than Nov. 29 to write this article, which is the anniversary of UN Resolution 181.

On November 28th, 2014 – the French Parliament debated a motion to recognize the state of “Palestine” as a sovereign state of the Palestinian people.

The socialist group of the parliament justifies this invitation based on their interpretation of the UN Resolution 181 of 1947.[1] The socialist group quotes this resolution, and only this resolution. Does this resolution, and the socialist invitation, have any kind of sincerity or loyalty?

If the discussed text is based on Resolution 181, it needs to express itself in the same terms and objectives. Let’s take a little step back and define what is “Palestine” according to the resolution.

Palestine is composed of the territories of the West Levant, which are not Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, or Egyptian. Thus it is composed of the actual territory of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. This resolution states explicitly, the creation of TWO PALESTINIAN states, for the two groups of Palestinian peoples: an Arabic Palestinian state and a Jewish Palestinian state. But the socialist group seems to ignore this fact, as if they haven’t even read the grounding text of their proposal.

The Jewish People and the Arabic Tribes Are ‘Palestinian’

While the Jewish People and the Arabic Tribes Are “Palestinian,” there isn’t a “Palestinian people,” rather a lot of different Palestinian peoples. We have Druze, Bedouins, unified Arabic tribes, Jews/Hebrews, Aramaics, and Circassians, just to name the main ones. The objective of this resolution, thus, is to create two independent spaces, where Arabic peoples would live on one side, and Hebraic people on the other, with a hope of lasting peace, which would lead to free movement, trade, cooperation, and even maybe fraternity between the different Palestinian peoples.

In principle, we would see a state inhabited with the Arabic tribes united under the Pan Arab flag. Tribes that have the same national identity as the Syrians, the Iraqis, Jordanians, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, Sudanese, Emiratis, Sahrawi, Libyans, Azawis, Somalilanders, and Yemeni. The height of the irony is that those Arabic tribes aren’t even natives of Palestine. But are in fact descendents of the Arabic immigration from 1900-1948, and then the descendents of the Arabic invaders of Palestine during the 1948 war, and of the Jordanian migrants during the Jordanian rule of the West Bank, 1948-1967.[2]
It is very easy to check the flags, emblems, and history of national identity, as well as the history of politics of the Pan Arab countries quoted in the paragraph to quickly confirm these facts. These facts can be further explained. Unfortunately for the united Arabic tribes in this proposed state, they would be joined by the Bedouins and the Druze. These two people are Arab-ized people. Note that Arab-ization of natives is how the Arabic civilization practices colonization.

The Hebraic state would be constituted of Jews/Hebrews, Aramaics, and Circassians. However, Arabs decided it would be different. Under the Pan Arab flag, armies of five countries, two irregular armies, and volunteers from three countries of the Muslim brotherhood, invaded Palestine, to establish another Pan Arab country, with the same ideology of all the other quoted before.[5]
And today we are in a very strange situation. Israel, the Hebrew state, is finally populated with Jews, Aramaics, Circassians, Druze, Bedouins, and even Arabs, living in peace in an exemplary democratic despite some social issues. Every native Palestinian person, thus, inhabits Israel, except for the Arabic Palestinians that choose to unite under the Pan Arab colors.[7]
Therefore according to UN Resolution 181, Israel is the state of the Palestinian peoples. Israel is the state of Palestine. And today the rest of the world wishes to create a state of Palestine for an Arabic population that has the same identity as countries that represent 347 times the size of Israel, and who don’t claim in the fact a Palestinian identity. Their claim of Palestine is only on a semantic level. It’s absolutely absurd!

But I don’t accuse French politicians of bad faith. The Arabic propaganda is so strong that even Israelis begin to believe it. It’s very sad. Goebbels, the Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany, stated about the British that they follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous. That’s exactly true for the Arabic propaganda: all their lies are exposed, and people who know truth laugh at them. But they stick to it, until it becomes truth. And it finally becomes effective, as we now have the French Parliament voting for something that emanates from a lie.

The Humanist Perspective

As a humanist who prioritizes good faith, their choices throughout history lead me to think that for peace, maybe they should go live somewhere in the 7,214,071 km under sovereignty of nations that share their ideology and identity.

While I was in Israel, I mourned the death in Gaza this summer.[4] Regardless of who must be held responsible of these deaths, my human dignity was raped alongside with the dignity of millions of Arabs and Jews this summer. I am very aware that compared to the condition of Jews in Israel and those living in Europe and America, the Arabs in the West Bank are very far from equal.

On a more global scale we must find, and expose the enemy. Israel is not the enemy, and the Palestinian peoples that compose Israel are not to be held responsible. The one to blame for the misery of the Arabic population of the West Bank, is the group of states, that uses it to perpetuate the misery of their brothers, that violate their dignity, for political ends, and even more, for bellicose ends, in an annihilation of the real native Palestinian peoples. The Arab League often represents this group of states, even if not all the countries of the Arab league follow this path. It is the countries rallied under the Pan Arab flag.

The most prominent example is Syria’s goal of accomplishing the Great Syria, with Jerusalem in it.[6] Usually, a state will delegitimize, demonize, and even enter into war with, someone who’s a threat to them, and yes Israel is a threat, a threat in the area of tolerance — tolerance between peoples, religion, and gay rights, a threat in the area of science and research, like technology, medicine, and philosophy. Tiny Israel competes with mighty France.

Some states would rather, by nature, choose to throw up roadblocks to the threat instead of working hard to undo it. Israel has built in 66 years what hundreds of countries worldwide haven’t succeeded to build in centuries. Israel is the threat, and this threat has a name: Liberty, Human Development, and Emancipation. It questions every dictatorship and abusive ruling state. States that hate Israel, in fact, don’t want their people to know that they are exploited and that liberty and freedom can be achieved.


[1] Resolution 181 : http://daccessddsny.un.org/doc/RESOLUTION/GEN/NR0/038/88/IMG/NR003888.pdf

[2] The annual growth rate of this population, compared with the immigration archives, show that easily 50,000 – 100,000 immigrants from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and other countries would lead to a population of several millions in a century. Indeed generations are five years shorter in average and during most of the 20th century; the number of children per woman was 8. Only recently it decreased to 4. It gives us a growth rate of population of 6.4% per year for 8 children and a little over 3% for 4 children. A mathematical example shows us that: 36,197 * 1.064^48 = 711,001. It means that if we have 36,197 people at a given year, with an increase in population of 6.4% per year during 48 years, the population will be 711,000.

[3] Pan Arab world: 7,214,071 km.  Israel: 20,770 km.

[4] Indeed, even if this idea can be seen as very cruel in our modern world, it is the choice among those available that leads to the least human death. If we decide to create one democratic state, demographics and ideology of the people under Pan Arab flag will lead to civil war and army ruled nation, with a lot of death. If we choose a two state solution, it will lead to demographics and ideology of the people under Pan Arab flag, to a standard war between two nations, but even if it is acceptable in our modern world, there will be even more death than in a civil war aborted by IDF. And if we choose the status quo, demographics and ideology of the people under the Pan Arab flag, it will lead to terrorism, stronger “occupation” (I don’t like this term), walls and ghettos, but it won’t be clear if Tel Aviv will become Warsaw or if Ramallah will become Warsaw. Why do I say “people under Pan Arab flag” because, as stated in the article, all the Palestinian people live in peace in Israel. Even within the Arabs, the only group that doesn’t live in peace is the one under the Pan Arab flag.

[5] In 1948 not all the Pan Arab countries quoted before were already recognized, and some are not recognized yet.

[6] This project is outdated today, but wasn’t four years ago.

[7] Even non-Palestinian peoples are free in Israel like the Persian Bahá, which are persecuted in the rest of the Levant and in orient.

[8] Even more symbolic because Mahmoud Abbas, president of the PA, confirms once more in front of the Arab league, that he, and the impostors of the Palestinian peoples will never recognize Israel as a Jewish State. Denying Resolution 181, so why would France recognize them on the basis of the Resolution 181? In reality even if he wanted to recognize Israel as a Jewish State he couldn’t because Israel is the democratic State of all Palestinian peoples. His move is just provocative and populist. In fact I personally won’t give it a lot of attention, because this guys means nothing to us, and the Arab league is just an anti-Semitic masquerade, that meet over Israel-Palestine issues when half a million souls left this earth in the past four years in one of their territories.

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