United with Israel

Abbas at UN: Palestinians No Longer Bound by Oslo Accords

Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 30, 2015. (AP/Mary Altaffer)

In his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced he is considering past agreements with Israel, including the 1993 Oslo Accords, null and void. The Palestinian leader led people to believe that only Israel is at fault and that, while Israel violates past agreements, the Palestinians adhere faithfully to every agreement. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Claiming that “Palestine” is a state “under occupation,” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas thoroughly denounced Israel throughout his remarks which, contrary to his statements leading up to his speech, did not contain any major “bombshell” moment.

Abbas blamed Israel for ongoing violence on the Temple Mount, last year’s failed peace talks and continued construction in Judea and Samaria –  all of which he implied is the reason peace cannot move forward.

“Our patience for a long time has come to an end,” Abbas told the U.N. General Assembly. “Israel has left us no choice but to insist that we will not remain the only ones committed to the implementation of those agreements while Israel continuously violates them.”

Abbas used typical anti-Israel rhetoric to enhance falsehoods and lies, which he knew would be well-received by many members of the UN General Assembly. He also laid the blame on Israel for the stalled peace talks which have moved nowhere due to Palestinian refusal to accept Israel as a Jewish state.

“Is it not time to end the racist, terrorist, colonialist settlement of our land, which is enjoying the two-state solution?” he asked. “Is it not time for the longest occupation in history, suffocating our people, to come to an end?”

The Palestinian leader led people to believe that only Israel is at fault and that, while Israel violates past agreements, the Palestinians adhere faithfully to every agreement. Nothing could be further from the truth.

“…We declare that as long as Israel refuses to commit to the agreements signed with us, which render us an authority without real powers, and as long as Israel refuses to cease settlement activities and to release of the fourth group of Palestinian prisoners in accordance with our agreements, they leave us no choice but to insist that we will not remain the only ones committed to the implementation of these agreements, while Israel continuously violates them.

“We therefore declare that we cannot continue to be bound by these agreements and that Israel must assume all of its responsibilities as an occupying Power, because the status quo cannot continue and the decisions of the Palestinian Central Council last March are specific and binding.

“…The State of Palestine, based on the 4th of June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, is a state under occupation, as was the case for many countries during World War II. Our state is recognized by 137 countries around the world and the right of our people to self determination, freedom and independence is recognized globally as being inalienable and unquestionable.”

Israel’s response

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office released the following statement in response to Abbas’s speech:

“Abu Mazen’s speech was deceitful and encourages incitement and lawlessness in the Middle East.

“In contrast to the Palestinians, Israel is strictly maintaining the status quo on the Temple Mount and is committed to continuing to do so in accordance with the agreements between us and the Jordanians and the Waqf.

“We expect and call on the [Palestinian] Authority and its leader to act responsibly and accede to the proposal of the Prime Minister of Israel and enter into direct negotiations with Israel without preconditions.

“The fact that he – time and again – has refused to do so is the best possible proof of the fact he does not intend to reach a peace agreement.”

Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon called Abbas a “lie monger” who refuses to accept Israel’s existence, and therefore any Israeli concessions to the Palestinians at this point would be “disconnected from reality.”

“Abbas’s speech in the UNGA proves for the umpteenth time: This is not a leader who wants peace and progress for his people; rather, he is a person who spreads lies and is busy inciting and making hateful speeches against Israel… This is not how someone who claims to want an end to the conflict speaks,” Ya’alon said.

The defense minister also said: “Time after time Abbas continues to deceive the international community, to falsely accuse Israel and make racist statements and hope that pressure, threats, and lies will scare us and make us surrender.”

“We have no partner for an agreement that will bring the end of the conflict and [Palestinian] demands, and therefore, we will not compromise on the security of Israel’s citizens,” he said.

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said that Abbas belongs with “murderers, missile-launchers, and our enemies in general.”

By: United with Israel Staff

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